This content was published: August 18, 2017. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

PCC Sylvania Habitat Restoration Team: New Chinook Books available for purchase!

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Volunteer Opportunities Newsletter

The PCC Sylvania Habitat Restoration Team is fundraising by selling Chinook Books!

Chinook Books are coupon books for local businesses that meet sustainability criteria and promote healthier living. For example, I am planning on getting fresh squeezed orange juice at Barbur World Foods and a free scoop at Salt & Straw!

The Chinook Book comes 3 ways—one is brand new and things are different this year!

The “app” is available at the App Store and Google Play. The app is free, the code for the coupons is $15, and coupons are good for one year after activation. What I love is that if you visit a Chinook Book covered area (like Seattle, Denver, or the Bay Area), the app updates your location and provides coupons for your new location. New coupons become available each month. You can download the app and use the same account on 3 different devices. Pretty handy! I have app cards for $15 that have a code, which allows you to “add coupons” to your app. Second, we are working on activating online purchasing through the app that will allow the PCC Sylvania Habitat Restoration Team to receive fundraising credit. Apparently, I will provide you a link in an email, text, or on social media, then you can purchase the coupons for your app (still $15) online! More on that soon we hope!

The “book” is the classic and is even larger than last year! A new thing this year is that every book comes with an “app!” The books are $25 and paper coupons are good until October 31, 2018. The book is fun to leaf through and to share with friends/officemates/family members/house guests/etc. Who doesn’t love coupons for $10 off your $50 purchase or more at Uwajimaya?

How to Purchase

Chinook Books will be available for purchase through the end of October. Contact April Ann Fong if you would like to buy one. Remember you need our special link to fundraise for the team!

Contact Information

April Ann Fong, Instructor?Biology and Environmental Studies &?Habitat Restoration Team Coordinator |?(971) 722-4422
Check out our Facebook group PCC Sylvania Habitat Restoration Team

About the Organization

The PCC Sylvania Habitat Restoration Team works on many environmental projects on campus and at nearby parks, such as Lesser Park and Sylvania Natural Area Park. We plan projects and work with PCC Grounds, Portland Parks & Recreation, the Tryon Creek Watershed Council, and other groups to do invasive species removal, native plantings, etc. Students on the team use any funds raised to attend scientific meetings (such as UERC or OAS), to ride public transportation to our work parties, to provide food for our work party volunteers, to buy plants/gloves, and so on. All funds raised go to environmental causes! This year we are working closely with the Tryon Creek Watershed Council, who wrote a Community Watershed Stewardship Grant and will provide up to $2000 of native plants for us to plant on campus!