This content was published: January 20, 2015. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Rigler SUN: Have fun and work with K-5 Extended Day Students

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We are always looking for energetic and enthusiastic volunteers to help with homework club, recess, and enrichment classes as part of our extended-day programs. Gain experience working in a dual-language school with our awesome k-5 Rigler kids!

Our next session of programming runs from January 26th – March 19th

We have opportunities for literacy tutoring, homework help, or enrichment class assistants!

Contact Information

Renita Carter,?Academic Engagement Coordinator

About the Organization

Rigler SUN (Schools Uniting Neighborhoods), in partnership with IRCO (Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization) promotes youth, family, and community through various programs, such as extended day classes.