This content was published: March 19, 2018. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Food Insecurity Sunday with Mountain Park Church – A Big Success!

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A message from?Diane Shingledecker,?CTE Community-Based Learning Faculty Coordinator:

To start your Finals Week on an up note, I wanted to share how well our?Food Insecurity Service Sunday went yesterday with Mountain Park Church.? We had 20 people from the church come and work in our Learning Garden planting, weeding, and preparing beds for spring term; and we had another 20 people who brought carloads???????????????? of donations for our Panther Pantry and worked to sort, shelve, and prepare two huge carts full of bags to help students get through finals week/spring break.? Both groups discussed the issue of food insecurity at PCC, heard first-hand about the CBL work that is being done at Sylvania this year, and brainstormed how they could start working directly with our students to help meet the needs in our PCC community.

A special thanks to Pastor Mike, Peter Ritson, Misty Auel, Nancy Laughlin, Stephen Arthur, and Venus Barnes for helping to coordinate the event.? Below are some pictures from the pantry.? Members of the church took additional pictures that I will share soon.? We’re looking forward to continuing our work together during Spring term and beyond.

Food Insecurity Sunday

Experience Community-Based Learning at PCC!

Courses with community-based learning (CBL) provide students with the opportunity to: explore?local, national, and/or global issues;?broaden their?perspectives and enhance?critical thinking skills; and become active citizens through community engagement.?There are numerous courses that have CBL?projects every?term!