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2018-2019 Community-Based Learning Honorees

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2018-2019 Community-Based Learning Honorees

Each year the CBL Program recognizes members of our community of practice for their efforts in teaching, collaboration, and engagement through community-based learning. Please join us in congratulating this years honorees!

All are welcome to join us at the CBL Annual Celebration and Awards Recognition event this Friday, June 7th. It will be held at the Mercy Corps Action Center from 6pm-8:30pm.


Outstanding CBL Faculty

Rebecca Vogt
Southeast | Writing

In their nomination, Caitlin Dwyer Young described the transformative impact Rebecca’s teaching has had on some of PCC’s most vulnerable students, including foster youth, first generation students, and those coming from alternative high school:
“Students explain the often life-changing effects that service has had on them, or the way that they view their sense of community, identity, and purpose. While our classes our integrated, Rebecca has always taken the lead role on CBL and made it a central tenant of her pedagogy.”?

Community of Practice

Cascade ASPCC and ASPCC Staff 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网 – Cascade Learning Garden
Kendi Esary, Chelsea Kimmett and Ashley Hansen

Their collaborative efforts, tireless work, and unswerving focus to establish the Cascade Learning Garden deserve to be recognized and celebrated! We know that the CA Learning Garden will be fertile ground for future community-based learning courses and community partnerships. In their nomination, Lisa George described how Cascade ASPCC and ASPCC Staff 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网 have collaborated by providing vision and leadership:
“They gave support to student leaders who wrote grants and contributed ideas, they strategized around how to best use the funds once they were acquired, and they brought folks in from around the campus and surrounding community to further nurture the project.”

Outstanding Faculty Member
Sarah Bailie – Sylvania ESOL Tutoring Project

In their nomination, Luciana Diniz described how Sarah has?successfully organized the ESOL tutoring project for many years. Sarah has?provided CBL opportunities across many disciplines – Women’s Studies, Spanish, German, Sociology, and English – and in doing so, has helped build a stronger sense of connection and community for non native speakers. Kate Carney echoed the impact the tutoring project has had on PCC’s ESOL students:
“The chance to develop meaningful relationships with native speakers is priceless: the confidence-building, a sense of belonging in one’s community, to name just a few of the benefits…Sarah has been instrumental in making this program happen, smoothly, seamlessly, term after term. I’d love to see her honored for her tireless work!”

Student Community Engagement Award

Dan Bedell Nominated by Aristides Petrides MTH 244 Stats II
“My focus is not on mathematics, and being able to tie in the work done in that class to my interests is directly linked to my success in the class. Because of this project, I was able to navigate a difficult class. In turn, the quality of my education at PCC was greatly increased.”

Jerami Sachs Nominated by Lisa George SOC 205 Social Change in Societies
“Community-based learning classes are the classes I feel I receive the most benefit from. There is something unique and special when one is encouraged to actively take the knowledge one is learning in class and apply that knowledge in a real-life situation….This experience taught me how to utilize my passion for social change in the most effective manner. Today, I am closer to where I want to be and farther from where I was.”

Mel Blazer Nominated by Cole Chatterton BA 205 Business Communication
“…throughout the process, I realized I ended up gaining confidence in myself and my abilities. It was kind of awesome! I learned that I can navigate through problems while balancing egos and keeping an eye on the goal. We always had a back up plan and I realized my skill set from working in the restaurant industry as a host and a server shined through.”

Michael Mullen Nominated by Cole Chatterton BA 205 Business Communication
“I have done a few pretty cool things during my life especially with being a Veteran. With that being said, there is nothing that has come close to the experience that I had with my team…I didn’t want to go to a community college initially but this engulfed me into the campus more, and now I don’t want to leave. I have been connected with so many different experiences and my experience at PCC, specifically the Cascades campus has been incredibly positive.”

Engaged Practitioner Recognition
CBL Faculty Cohort

Naso Michaels Newberg & Rock Creek | HST 240 Oregon History
Max Macias Cascade & Sylvania | LIB 101 Library Research and Beyond
Leni Tupper Cascade | PL 102 Intro to Law
Michelle Huss Rock Creek | BI 213 Principles of Biology
Mary Courtis Sylvania | ATH 102 Introduction to Archaeology and Prehistory

Mini Grant Awardees

Andrew Butz – Implementation Sylvania | SOC 206 Social Problems
Melissa Tennyson – Exploration Southeast | ORTESOL 2018 Fall Conference