This content was published: July 9, 2015. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Write Around Portland: Fall Internship Available

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We have project-based internships that are assigned depending upon the interests and experiences of the intern. We want to ensure internships are positive and successful for each individual and our organization. Internships usually last for at least three months and are unpaid. Typically, we assign interns to a specific project; interns also assist with other areas of our programming. Interns are supervised by and work closely with our program coordinators. Past internship projects have included:

  • Volunteer coordination
  • Production of our anthologies
  • Workshop curriculum
  • Writing-related research
  • Event coordination
  • Workshop support


We are looking for applicants who:

  • reflect the full diversity of our community
  • are friendly and genuinely interested in the well-being of others
  • have the ability and commitment to work respectfully with people experiencing isolation, with a low income or who may otherwise face barriers to writing in community
  • have basic computer knowledge and a willingness to learn more
  • have good written and verbal communication skills, including phone skills
  • are willing to pitch in to help with all aspects of our organization and programs
  • have a passion for Write Around Portland and the work we do

Duration: September thru December/January 2016
Location: Write Around Portland, 133 SW 2nd Avenue, Suite 304, Portland, OR 97204

Please contact Jenny Chu for more details on this rewarding internship opportunity.

Contact Information

Jenny Chu, Program Coordinator |?503-796-9224

About the Organization

Write Around Portland brings free creative writing workshops to hospitals, schools, homeless youth shelters, senior centers, low income apartments, prisons, social service agencies and treatment facilities. Nearly 500 adults and youth participate in these workshops each year. Workshops culminate in community readings and three beautifully designed books annually.

Founded in 1999, Write Around Portland is a nonprofit organization with four staff and more than 250 volunteers. Our mission is to change lives through the power of writing. The foundation for all that we do is based on our core values of respect, writing and community.