This content was published: September 14, 2023. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Seed Stories Project Pilot: Seeking Instructors

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Banner Graphic with text "Seed Stories Project" and image of book growing as plant

Give your students the opportunity to learn more about themselves and the course you’re teaching by partnering in a unique way with the Learning Garden. Each student who participates will be introduced to the essential human practice of seed-saving and connect this with relevant concepts such as sovereignty, nutrition, beauty, statistics, horticulture, and more. Building on this foundation students will be guided through the research process necessary to discover their own personal connections to seed saving through cultural documents and/or interviews with living seed savers.

At every step, faculty and students will be supported by the learning garden coordinator and the program coordinator for community based learning at PCC. Together, we will work closely with students, facilitating district-wide connections if needed, to ensure student success and the timely completion of deliverables.

Students who successfully complete a Seed Story project will be invited to apply for a year-long, paid internship working with the Learning Garden and select Community Partners. During this year-long commitment students will elect two of their culturally significant plants to grow at PCC for seed, while collecting seed stories for our project partners. As a capstone to the year’s work students will share seeds with Community Partners and bring the seed stories back to share with the PCC community using a method that compliments their initial presentation.

Faculty from any discipline who are interested in this pilot year of the Seed Story Project are invited to register here. Funding will be available for Instructors who work with CBL Faculty Coordinators to develop curriculum modules around Seed Stories projects.

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