This content was published: October 13, 2015. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

OHSU ThinkFirst Oregon: Volunteer Opportunity – Brain and Spinal Cord Injury Prevention

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Brain and Spinal Cord Injury Prevention

Attend a Volunteer Training/Information session to: learn more about OHSU ThinkFirst – what we do to educated and inform the community on brain and spinal cord injury prevention and how volunteers can help spread the message. Also, learn the different ways you can volunteer (community events, office work, internships and Volunteer Student School Presenter position (paid with honoraria at the end of assignment).

Volunteer training/information session details:


OHSU Marquam Hill Campus
3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd, Portland, OR 97239
Mackenzie Hall, Room 2201

Training Dates
  • Thursday, October 29th from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
  • Friday, October, 30th from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Contact Information

Wallace Chan, OHSU ThinkFirst Oregon Volunteer Coordinator or |?503-494-7801

About the?Organization

OHSU ThinkFirst Oregon is a non-profit Brain and Spinal Cord Injury Prevention Program at Oregon Health & Science University. Our mission is to reduce the risk of brain and spinal cord injuries through education and outreach.