This content was published: November 9, 2015. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

2nd Annual Extra Life Gaming Marathon a Huge Success!

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Thanks to all who participated in our 2nd Annual Extra Life Gaming Marathon at Sylvania on Saturday.?We had 29 gamers play a combined total of 203 hours which raised $1,709 for OSHU Doernbecher Children’s Hospital!? That placed us in the top 10% of the 6,128 teams that participated worldwide.

Please share our good news with those you know who helped us by donating, assisting with logistics, and playing!

We made the best of a rainy day using our computer & English skills to make a difference in our community.

A special thanks to those staff who came for part – or all of – the day.? Students notice when faculty and staff participate!

The many comments from our students on what we can add to the event next year confirmed that they believed in what they were doing and wanted their efforts to continue next year.

Our PCC Sylvania TSS Video Media Team came out to make a promotional video, and I know that will be a great way to spread the word about what we’re doing through the Extra Life Marathon.? I’ll share it with you as soon as it’s ready for viewing!

Thanks again for your support and participation in our event,

Diane Shingledecker
CBL CTE Faculty Coordinator