This content was published: November 10, 2015. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

PCC Sylvania Habitat Restoration Team: Work Party 11/14/15 Lesser Park

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The PCC Sylvania Habitat Restoration Team invites you to a work party this Saturday!

  • What: English Ivy Removal Work Party
  • Where: Lesser Park
  • When: Saturday, November 14, 2015 9 am until noon
  • Meet: Parking Lot 10, PCC Sylvania at 9 am. If you are late, we’ll be in Lesser Park.

We’ll have gloves, snacks, and tools. Bring a water bottle and dress for mud, rain, and thorns!

Questions? Ask April Ann!

Contact Information

April Ann Fong, Instructor
Biology and Environmental Studies
Habitat Restoration Team Coordinator
Portland Community College|?(971) 722-4422

About the?Organization

The Environmental Center serves as a community hub for Sylvania Campus and District sustainability initiatives. The E-Center is an active meeting place for committees organized around sustainability issues and student-led organizations. It also offers updated resources on climate change, alternative transportation, energy conservation, and campus sustainability. The center also offers counseling for students interested in environmental careers.

The Habitat Restoration Team, working with the Sylvania Grounds crew, PCC students and staff, and community volunteers, will carry on its work removing invasive species, planting NW native plants, and stabilizing creek beds.

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