This content was published: January 26, 2016. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Friends of Trees: Start your February off Right – Join Friends of Trees to restore and preserve the Sandy River Delta!

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Friends of Trees is partnering with the Sandy River Basin Watershed Council and Friends of the Sandy River Delta to plant native seedlings at the Sandy River Delta.

When: Saturday, February 6th, 9am-1pm (please arrive by 8:45 to check in)
Where: Sandy River Delta Park, Troutdale, OR

Please arrive around 8:45am to be registered and assigned to a crew. The event will start promptly at 9:00am. We provide breakfast snacks and hot chocolate/coffee, as well as gloves, tools and guidance. Please come dressed for the weather and wearing sturdy shoes and get ready to have fun!

Contact Information

Jenny or Randi, Volunteer & Outreach Team|?503-595-0213

About the Organization

The Friends of Trees Green Space program is focused on planting native trees and shrubs to restore watershed health and these community tree plantings occur in parks and natural areas across the greater Portland Metro region.