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CA TLC Event: Weaving Together Career and Civic Commitments for Social Change (Webinar)

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Weaving Together Career and Civic Commitments for Social Change

Tuesday, February 16
Cascade TLC CH 103

Join us in the CA TLC to watch this webinar together or register online?through NASPA?to participate wherever you are!


What if higher education understood developing a civic consciousness and conscience in each college graduate as essential preparation for work? This webinar will explore how such commitments might alter not just the students but their workplaces, thus allowing graduates to combine finding a secure income and attending to the well being of the world and its people. Through the webinar we will explore together how education for social responsibility is the best preparation for work, what this means for the kinds of educational opportunities student and academic affairs professionals design, and what new capacities and careers might evolve for students.


Caryn McTighe Musil: Senior Scholar and Director of Civic Learning and Democracy Initiatives
Association of American Colleges and Universities

Jose Zapata Calderon: Emeritus Professor in Sociology and Chicano Studies, Pitzer College

Seth Pollack: Professor of Service Learning, Founding Faculty Director of the Service Learning Institute, California State University, Monterey Bay

Pre-session readings

  • Caryn McTighe? Musil. 2015. “Civic-Rich Preparation for Work,” Peer Review 4-5.
  • José?Zapata Calderón and Seth S. Pollack. 2015. “Weaving Together Career and Civic Commitments for Social Change,” Peer Review 17 (3) 6-7.
  • Sylvia Hurtado, Adriana Ruize, and Hannah Whang. 2012. “Advancing and Assessing Civic Learning.” Diversity & Democracy 15 (3): 10-12.

National Task Force.? 2012. A Crucible Moment: College Learning and Democracy’s Future. “Higher Education: More Than Workforce Training,” “Civic Learning and College completion,” “Positioning Democratic Renewal a Paramount,” 9-15.