Community Engagement Award

Community-Based Learning combines course learning objectives, community service, and reflection thus allowing students to gain a better understanding of course material; get to know their communities; explore values and ethics; develop civic engagement and leadership skills; learn about diverse cultures and lifestyles; and appreciate their ability to make a difference by participating in community problem solving.

The Community-Based Learning Program at Portland Community College recognizes students for their community-based learning efforts in their courses and communities. Students who receive the Community Engagement Award receive a signed certificate, college recognition, and the benefit of including the award on scholarship applications and resumes.

To be eligible for the Community Engagement Award:

  • Students must complete a Community-Based Learning assignment during the most recent academic year.
  • Students must complete the CBL Program’s Final Student Reflection on CBL Experience
  • Only formal class-based Community-Based Learning efforts qualify for this award. Paid internships and basic volunteerism do not count.

Steps for students to be considered:

  • Faculty nominates a student that has completed a CBL project/assignment from their course
    • Priority deadline for nominations to be considered for the current term is the Friday after finals
    • Multiple students who participated in the same project should be nominated separately.
  • ?Student completes the CBL Program’s Final Student Reflection on CBL Experience?and indicates they would like to be considered
    • Student may complete this reflection prior to being nominated (as part of their course requirement or independently). If that is the case, the instructor will be notified to complete the nomination form.

Submit a nomination

Faculty are encouraged to submit nominations at the end of each term.

Online nomination form