
Non-credit classes are priced individually. For tuition and fees, check each course’s listing in the class schedule. You are responsible for paying your account in full by the due date, even if you do not receive a bill.

When to pay

View the PCC payment due dates. If you don’t pay by the due date, one or more of the following steps will be taken depending on your classification as a credit or non-credit student:

  • A late fee of up to 10% of your unpaid tuition and fees.
  • A financial hold against future registrations.
  • Collection of your past due balance by an outside agency. Accounts in collection are subject to additional charges and penalties.

Do not count on the college to remove you from classes. It is up to you to manage your own schedule and drop any courses you will be unable to attend. See more information about how and when to drop a class and get a refund.

How to pay

  • Online:?Log in to?MyPCC. Select the “PCC-Pay” link on your homepage. You can also access the “PCC-Pay” link on the “Paying for College” tab.
  • Phone:?Call 971-722-6266 and choose option 3 from the menu.
  • In-person: Walk into any?Student Accounts Services office, located at Cascade, Rock Creek, Southeast, and Sylvania Campuses.

Tuition discounts

Are you an Oregon resident age 62+? You qualify for a?senior tuition discount.

PCC employees: Don’t forget to use your?employee tuition waiver.