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Community Ed has all the remote classes to keep you creating, exploring, connecting and MOVING 1
Winter is usually a time for hunkering down. But what if you’ve already been hunkering down all year due to […] Posted November 23, 2020
Image showing foggy Portland skyline A list of all Fall classes in one convenient location! 2
Updated 9/3 – Despite the college’s move to remote/online learning, we still have hundreds of options to choose from this […] Posted August 26, 2020
Computer class at Portland Community College Computer Classes Available from PCC Community Ed 2
Did you know that experts believe more than 77% of jobs will require computer skills and technology knowledge as soon […] Posted June 7, 2019
Tasha Harmon, Instructor of Tools for Getting Unstuck workshop. Steering from Our Center – Core Values as Signposts on the Journey to a Fulfilling Life
We all want to make good choices that will lead us to fulfilling work and lives, but how do we […] Posted August 7, 2018