Minutes 2-4-2009


A standing committee of the Education Advisory Committee
February 4, 2009
Sylvania CC, Conference Rm B

Members Present
x Scot Leavitt, Chair x Pam Kessinger x Ed DeGrauw
x Doris Werkman x Marc Spaziani x Jim Parks
x Scott Quinn x Tammy Dowd x Joe Wright
x Nancy Hutt x Rick Willebrand x Jim Jeffery
x Bob Allen Heiko Spoddeck x Andrew Cohen

Committee Support:

Committee support
Birgette Ryslinge x Dorothy Badri x Andrew Roessler
x Stacey Timmins x Leslie Hackett Steve Smith
x Sherry Hanchett x Sally Earll


Cynthia Killingsworth Gabe Hunter-Bernstein Deb Anderson
Jon Giebar Ann Wenning Bob Steele
Jeff Josifek Tony ?Obradovich


WLD 204 –Nondestructive Testing 1
DH 261 – Periodontology II


HUM 199R – Race and Racism
HUM 299F – African Films
CAS 199A – Microsoft Outlook
CAS 199B – Project Management – Beginning MS Project
PE 199L – Floor Hockey
ESOL 99A – VESL Bridge Course
ESOL 99B – VESL CAS Support Course

Old Business:

316. BI 200 – Prin of Ecology: Field Biology
Contact/Credit Hour Change
Withdrawn at SAC Request

67. BA 208 – Introduction to Nonprofits and Philanthropy
General Education

220.? EET 261 – Robotics
New Course
Postponed at SAC Request

221. ID 125 – Computer Drafting for Interior Designers
Course Revision – Description
Postponed at SAC Request

226. ID 234 – Advanced Interiors
Course Revision – Requisites
Postponed at SAC Request

239. CJA 100 – Introduction to Professions in Criminal Justice
Course Revision – Title, Description, Requisites

New Business:

244. AD 157 – Motivational Interviewing Skills Mastery
New Course
Recommend with co-requisites:
Co-requisites: AD 155.

And outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:

1. Apply the micro-counseling skills of the MI/APS in a clinical setting.

2. Analyze video/audio recordings and identify, in writing, the microcounseling

skills of the MI/APS in a clinical setting for professional setting.

245. AD 101 – Alcohol Use and Addiction
Course Revision – Outcomes
Postponed at Committee Request

246. AB 100 – Auto Body Basic Skills
Related Instruction

247. AB 105 – Frame Analysis & Repair
Related Instruction

248. AB 106 – Panel Repair
Related Instruction

249. AB 201 – Panel Replacement
Related Instruction

250. AB 205 – Technical Skills/Collision Repair
Related Instruction

251. CG 111A – Study Skills for College Learning
Course Revision – Requisites

252. CG 111B – Study Skills for College Learning
Course Revision – Requisites

253. CG 111C – Study Skills for College Learning
Course Revision – Requisites

254. CG 140A – Study Skills for College Learning
Course Revision – Requisites

255. CG 140B – Study Skills for College Learning
Course Revision – Requisites

256. CG 140C – Study Skills for College Learning
Course Revision – Requisites

257. CG 191 –Study Skills for College Learning
Course Revision – Requisites
Recommend with prerequisites: Placement into WR 121.

258. CJA 260 – Introduction to Correctional Institutions
Course Revision – Description, Requisites, Outcomes
Recommend with description:
Provides an overview of correctional facilities including prisons, jails, treatment and work release facilities. Introduces the effects of incarceration on inmates and their adaptive strategies. Introduces various intervention modalities and reintegration programs back into the community.

259. CJA 115 – Introduction to Jail Operations
New Course
Recommend with description:
Introduces jail operations including security, intake, classification and other daily procedures concerning inmates.? Problems and issues facing contemporary jails will be explored and possible solutions studied.

260. ED 218 – Working with Paraeducators
New Course

261. ED 258 – Multicultural Education I
Course Revision – Title

262. ED 259 – Multicultural Education II
Course Revision – Title, Requisites

263. ED 290 – Teaching Strategies for English Language Learners
Course Revision – Title

264. ED 291 – Strategies for Teaching English Language Learners II
Course Revision – Title, Description, Requisites

265. INSP 100 – Introduction to Building Inspection Technology
New Course
Recommend with description:
Introduction to the Building Inspection Technology (BIT) program. Introduces the code enforcement industry and the Building Inspection Technology course of study. Introduces information on academic expectations, skills and preparedness for success in the BIT program and employment. Introduces resources available on campus.

And outcomes:
1. Make an appropriate career choice in the code enforcement industry.
2. Identify personal goals and explore options available in the BIT program in order to make an appropriate career choice in the code enforcement industry
3. Apply academic skills towards success in the BIT program and work environment

266. INSP 151 – International Residential Code – Structural
Course Revision – Requisites

267. INSP 152 – International Residential Code – Mechanical
Course Revision – Requisites

268. INSP 154 – Introduction to Residential Inspection
Course Revision – Title

269. INSP 201 – Plans Exam – Commercial
Course Revision – Requisites

270. INSP 202 – Plans Exam Residential
Course Revision – Requisites
Recommend with requisites:
Prerequisites: ARCH 161, INSP 151
Prerequisite/concurrent: ARCH 123

271. INSP 251 – International Building Code 1
Course Revision – Requisites

272. INSP 253 – International Building Code 3
Course Revision – Requisites

273. INSP 255 – International Mechanical Code 1
Course Revision – Description, Requisites, Outcomes
Recommend with outcomes:
1. Identify and apply appropriate commercial mechanical codes to specific situations.

2. Apply basic code requirements for heating and air conditioning systems.

3. Perform plan review for hood exhaust systems.

4. Perform plan review for duct systems.

5. Identify elements of systems encountered on job sites.

6. Apply appropriate inspection techniques.

274. INSP 256 – International Mechanical Code 2
Course Revision – Description

275. INSP 257 – International Fuel-Gas Code
Course Revision – Requisites

276. INSP 260 – Oregon Inspection Certificate
Course Revision – Description, Outcomes
Recommend description:
Reviews Oregon Administrative Rules and Oregon Revised Statutes associated with building inspection.

277. CIS 135T – XML, Data Transformation and Objects
New Course
Recommend with description:
Discusses data formats, how data is converted between formats, and the use of some common software tools for data conversion. XML, a standard structure for data will be presented. Web services architecture will be presented and a web service will be set up. Students will individually and collaboratively apply skills studied to a variety of data transformation projects. Unified Modeling Language (UML) will be used to design receiving structures (objects) for data that has been transferred. Recommended CIS122 or CIS department approval.

And outcomes:
1. Design and code data transfer scripts using XML languages for the transfer of data over business networks and the Internet.

2. 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网, conduct and deliver technical presentations of data transformation requirements to management illustrating the different hardware and software requirements on both ends of the transfer route.

3. Transform various data formats such as text, images, sound and video so that this information can be transferred to and from server storage devices.
4. Design theoretical objects that might be in a database, or a software program that will accommodate transformed data.

278.? HIM 110 – Health Information Technology 1
Contact/Credit Hour Change

279. HIM 283 – Health Information Systems
Contact/Credit Hour Change

280. HIM 110 – Health Information Technology 1
Course Revision – Description, Outcomes

281. HIM 283- Health Information Systems
Course Revision – Description, Outcomes

282. BCT 108 – Introduction to Building Science – Energy Efficient Housing
New Course
Recommend with outcomes:
1. Design energy efficient building systems for use in residential construction.

2. Analyze residential structures for thermal deficiencies and moisture based aesthetic and structural failure.

3. Use common building science terms, measurements, units and analysis tools.

4. Apply strategic building techniques for implementing, ventilation systems, water management systems and superior thermal performance in buildings.

5. Analyze the economics of energy and durability improvements in building design and construction.

283. BCT 129 – Mechanical Systems for Kitchens and Baths
Contact/Credit Hour Change
Postponed until Feb. 11th

284. BCT 129 – Mechanical Systems for Kitchens and Baths
Course Revision – Outcomes
Postponed until Feb 11th
Title change: Mechanical Planning for Kitchens and Baths

285. BCT 229 – Introduction to Kitchen and Baths
Course Revision – Outcomes

286. PSY 213 – Brain, Mind, and Behavior
Course Revision – Title, Description

287. MLT 213 – Introduction to Medical Microbiology
Course Revision – Number, Description, Outcomes
Recommend with number change to MLT 113:

And description:
Introduces clinical bacteriology and the taxonomic approach to major human pathogens. Presents an overview of the organization and function of the clinical microbiology laboratory.

Introduces basic practices of specimen processing, handling, and work-up. Stresses the development of basic skills necessary to work in the microbiology laboratory.

And outcomes:
1. Recognize the normal and common pathogenic organisms associated with human infectious diseases.
2. Prepare chemical reagents; use appropriate laboratory techniques, methodologies, instruments and equipment; and accurately calculate, record and tabulate data.

288. MTH 70 – Review of Intro Algebra
Course Revision – Description, Outcomes
Recommend with prerequisites: (MTH 63 or MTH 65) AND (RD 80 or ESOL 250)
And outcomes:
1. Use a variable to represent an unknown in a simple linear problem, create a linear equation that represents the situation, and find the solution to the problem using algebra.

2. Recognize a linear pattern in ordered paired data collected or observed, calculate and interpret the rate of change (slope) in the data, create a linear model using two data points, and use the observed pattern to make predictions.

3. Recognize and differentiate between linear and quadratic patterns in ordered paired data, graphs, and equations.

4. Use variables to represent unknowns in linear or quadratic problems, create a linear system or quadratic equation that represents the situation, and find the solution to the problem

using algebra.

5. Successfully apply basic algebraic concepts and an understanding of functions in future coursework.

289. MTH 251 – Calculus I
Course Revision – Description
Recommend with description:
欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网 an understanding of limits, continuity, derivatives and applications of derivatives. Students will communicate their results in oral and written form. Graphing calculator required; TI 89, TI 92 Plus or Voyage 200 recommended. Prerequisites: MTH 112 or CMET 131; and their prerequisite requirements. Students must also register for a MTH 251 lab section.

290. MTH 252 –Calculus II
Course Revision – Description
Recommend with description:
欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网 an understanding of antiderivatives, the definite integral, topics of integration, improper integrals, and applications of integration. Students will communicate their results in oral and written form. Graphing calculator required; TI 89, TI 92 Plus, or Voyage 200 recommended. Prerequisites: MTH 251 and its prerequisite requirements.

291. MTH 253 – Calculus III
Course Revision – Description

292. MTH 254 – Vector Calculus I
Course Revision – Description

293. BI 200A – Principles of Ecology: Field Biology
New Course

294. BI 200B – Principles of Ecology: Field Biology
New Course

295. BI 200C – Principles of Ecology: Field Biology
New Course
Recommend with outcomes:
1. Appreciate the natural history of a field site based upon in depth exposure to content knowledge based on the site.

2. use the scientific method for experimental design in the field, data collection, and presentations of results and conclusions

3. analyze their individual thinking and learning styles and how their styles can be integrated with methods used in science;

4. discover and investigate major themes in biology;

5. apply biological principles and generalizations to novel problems;

6. practice application of biological information in their lives (personal, work, and career);

7. develop informed positions or opinions on contemporary issues;

8. communicate effectively in verbal and written formats

296. BI 160 – Ecology/Field Biology: Coast
Contact/Credit Hour Change

297. BI 160 – Ecology/Field Biology: Coast
Course Revision –? Outcomes

298. G 160 – Ecology/Field Biology: Coast
Contact/Credit Hour Change
Recommend as 2 credits: 10 lecture hours, 20 lecture/lab hours

299. G 160 – Ecology/Field Biology: Coast
Course Revision – Outcomes
Recommend with outcomes:
1.? Apply an understanding of basic ecological principles to the plant and animal species living on the Oregon Coast to appreciate the complexity of factors that influence the “web of life” and our place within it.
2. Apply a basic knowledge of geological processes that formed this region to the impact this geology has on the biological organisms found here
3. Use scientific field research equipment.
4. Communicate effectively orally and in writing.
5. Successfully apply basic geological concepts in future coursework.