Minutes 11-5-2008


A standing committee of the Education Advisory Committee
November 5, 2008
Sylvania CC, Cedar Room

Members Present
x Scot Leavitt, Chair x Pam Kessinger x Ed DeGrauw
x Doris Werkman x Marc Spaziani x Jim Parks
x Scott Quinn Tammy Dowd x Joe Wright
x Nancy Hutt x Rick Willebrand x Jim Jeffery
x Bob Allen x Heiko Spoddeck x Andrew Cohen

Committee Support:

Committee support
Birgette Ryslinge x Dorothy Badri x Andrew Roessler
x Stacey Timmins x Leslie Hackett Steve Smith
x Sherry Hanchett


Darcie LeMueix Dave Stout Sanda Williams
Greg Rapp Cynthia Killingsworth Delyse Totten
Phil Seder Brad Vincent Jerry Lasalle
Jerry Brask Michael Lawrence Linda Jones
Judith Voth Joe Urbina Leslie Boyd

None to report

CAS 199 Intermediate Flash
APR 199 Pre-Apprenticeship Construction Training
ID 199 Intermediate CAD for Interiors
LAT 299W Interior Plants
PE 199G Hip Hop
INSP 199D Fire Sprinkler Plan Review
PE 199T Tai Chi II
PE 199Z Tae Kwon Do III

Old Business:

316. BI 200 – Prin of Ecology: Field Biology
Contact/Credit Hour Change
Postpone at SAC Request

342. MSD 151 – Dealing with Difficult People
Course Revision – Outcomes
Recommend with outcomes:
1. Use an understanding of social and conflict styles to assess potentially difficult situations in personal or work relationships and conflicts.
2. 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网 action plans for dealing with various difficult behaviors encountered in the workplace.

4. EET 113 – Electrical Circuit Analysis III
Course Revision – Title
Recommend with transcript title: Electrical Power

6. EET 256 – Electronics Project Lab
Course Revision – Title, Description
Recommend with description:
Students learn how to work as teams on instructor approved projects. Students can choose projects in electronics, renewable energy systems, wireless/data communications and automation/robotics. Typical project activities include the research and design phase, the execution phase, and the project report phase. A written report and oral presentation is required.
Prerequisites: EET 241 or EET 242; and EET 222.

1. Research projects and develop plans to execute them.

2. Work as part of a team with divided up responsibilities.

3. Measure and analyze the performance of projects.

4. Use circuit simulation software, spreadsheet software, and a word processor.

5. Present oral reports on projects.

New Business:

34. ITP 111 – ASL I
Related Instruction
Postponed at Curriculum Request

35. ITP 112 – ASL II
Related Instruction
Postponed at Curriculum Request

36. ITP 113 – ASL III
Related Instruction
Postponed at Curriculum Request

37. ITP 120 – Finger Spelling I
Related Instruction
Postponed at Curriculum Request

38. ITP 121 – Finger Spelling II
Related Instruction
Postponed at Curriculum Request

39. ITP 131 – Deaf Culture
Related Instruction
Postponed at Curriculum Request

40. ITP 180 – Field Experience
Related Instruction
Postponed at Curriculum Request

41. ITP 211 – ASL IV
Related Instruction
Postponed at Curriculum Request

42. ITP 212- ASL V
Related Instruction
Postponed at Curriculum Request

43. ITP 230 – ASL Linguistics I
Related Instruction
Postponed at Curriculum Request

44. ITP 231 – ASL Linguistics II
Related Instruction
Postponed at Curriculum Request

45. ITP 260 – Interpreting Theory I
Related Instruction
Postponed at Curriculum Request

46. ITP 261 – Theory II
Related Instruction
Postponed at Curriculum Request

47. ITP 262 – Theory III
Related Instruction
Postponed at Curriculum Request

48. ITP 270 – Interpreting Process I
Related Instruction
Postponed at Curriculum Request

49. ITP 271 – Interpreting Process II
Related Instruction
Postponed at Curriculum Request

50. ITP 272 – Interpreting Process III
Related Instruction
Postponed at Curriculum Request

51. ITP 273 – Interpreting Process IV
Related Instruction
Postponed at Curriculum Request

52. ITP 274 – Interpreting Process V
Related Instruction
Postponed at Curriculum Request

53. ITP 275 – Interpreting Process VI
Related Instruction
Postponed at Curriculum Request

54. ITP 276 – Specialized Discourse I
Related Instruction
Postponed at Curriculum Request

55. ITP 277 – Specialized Discourse II
Related Instruction
Postponed at Curriculum Request

56. ITP 279 – Mock Interpreting I
Related Instruction
Postponed at Curriculum Request

57. ITP 281 – Mock Interpreting II
Related Instruction
Postponed at Curriculum Request

58. ITP 283 – Interpreting Internship I
Related Instruction
Postponed at Curriculum Request

59. ITP 284 – Interpreting Internship II
Related Instruction
Postponed at Curriculum Request

60. ITP 285 – Deaf Studies Internship
Related Instruction
Postponed at Curriculum Request

61. PSY 101 – Psychology and Human Relations
Course Revision – Description
Postponed at SAC Request

62. PSY 237 – Psychology of Adult 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网ment and Aging
New Course
Postponed at SAC Request

63. D 177 – Hip Hop
New Course
Recommend with outcomes:
1. Draw from Hip Hop dance skills to understand Hip Hop as a cultural phenomenon and how Hip Hop fits into the American culture.

2. Use acquired kinesthetic awareness, coordination, and memorization from increasingly difficult movement phases in order to apply the process of sequencing to other areas of life.

3. Use basic learned improvisational skills in order to promote creative problem solving.

64. D 184 – Ballroom Dance
New Course
Recommend with outcomes:
1. Use an increased spatial awareness, musicality, and coordination in order to build social connections and help make social choices.

2. Apply history and precise styling for each dance in order to increase an understanding of Ballroom Dance as an art form and how it fits with other areas of dance.

3. Use developed skills in freestyle dancing to promote creative problem solving.

65. PE 182T – Tai Chi II
New Course
Postponed at Curriculum Request

66. PE 183Z – Tae Kwon Do III
New Course
Postponed at Curriculum Request

67. BA 208 – Introduction to Nonprofits & Philanthropy
New Course
Recommend with description:
Surveys the role of the nonprofit and voluntary organizations in American society including the history, theory and challenges of the third sector. Includes a service learning project where students serve as philanthropists to their local community.
Prerequisites: WR 115, RD 115, and MTH 20 or equivalent placement test scores. Recommend: BA 101.
1. Apply their knowledge of the nonprofit sector and its interrelationships with government and business to frame their perspectives on social issues
2. Respond appropriately to basic legal, governing and ethical issues faced by nonprofit organizations
3. Critically evaluate factors impacting the efficiency and effectiveness of nonprofit organizations around them
4. Appreciate the diversity of social issues served by the nonprofit community
5. Participate in civil society using various tools including philanthropy, volunteer service or nonprofit employment
6. Respond appropriately to issues and potential conflicts involving international work performed by American nonprofits.

68. BA 208 – Introduction to Nonprofits & Philanthropy
General Education Designation
Postponed pending state approval of the New Course Request and receipt of the Gen. Ed. Transferability form from two OUS schools.

69. ABE 0750 – Fundamentals of Math
New Course
Recommend with outcomes:
1. Creatively and confidently use mathematical and other problem solving strategies to formulate problems, to solve problems using multiple approaches, and to interpret results.

2. Meet the prerequisites for further math course work.

3. Choose and perform accurate arithmetic operations in a variety of situations with and without a calculator.

4. Present results numerically, symbolically, and graphically in written and oral form.

5. Estimate and compute personal needs relating to life skills through mathematics.

6. Solve problems and make decisions using multiple and effective strategies.

7. Continue life-long learning by participating in educational opportunities when possible.
8. Use the computer for appropriate software and internet activities.

70. LA 280A – CE: Legal Assistant
Course Revision – Title, Description, Outcomes
Postponed at Curriculum Request

71. ECE 132 – Early Childhood Internship
New Course
Recommend with title: Early Childhood Field Work
Credits: Lab: 60 hours, 2 credits
Students engage in intentional field work to gain practical experience, skill development, and professional direction in achieving their career goals, working under supervision in an approved worksite.
Prerequisite: Department permission required.
1. Through reflection, self-assessment, and supervisory assessment of their work, apply skills essential for their identified career pathway.
NOTE: SAC requests that this course not be published in the catalog.

72. ECE 133 – Practicum 1
Course Revision – Requisites

73. ECE 134 – Practicum 2
Course Revision – Requisites

74. CJA 114 – Introduction to Juvenile Process
Course Revision – Description, Requisites, Outcomes

75. CJA 212 – Criminal Law
Course Revision – Requisites, Outcomes

76. CJA 213 – Evidence
Course Revision – Description, Requisites, Outcomes

77. CJA 215 – Forensic Science and Criminalistics
Course Revision – Description, Requisites, Outcomes

78. RD 115 – College Reading
Course Revision – Description, Requisites, Outcomes
Recommend with description:
Focuses on expanding reading frequency and effectively reading complex college level texts. Comprehension strategies, critical reading and thinking skills, information literacy, vocabulary
development, student success strategies and adapting reading rate to different reading tasks are emphasized.
Prerequisites: RD 90 or equivalent placement test score; OR ESOL 254 and ESOL 260.
1. Proficiently use stages of reading—previewing, reading, review-and reading strategies in order to improve comprehension, control concentration, and increase persistence and retention in a variety of academic and non-academic reading tasks. Refine connections between text, the student’s life, student’s knowledge of the world, and other texts. Examine interactions between relationship, richness, structure, style, vocabulary, and purpose within complex texts. Increase reading frequency. Adjust reading rate to the nature of the material.
2. Advance and broaden use of vocabulary development strategies to learn and use new words including discipline-specific vocabulary in listening, speaking and writing. Advance word parts study.
3. Refine written evaluation, analysis, and reflection in response to various texts.
4. Analyze texts in order to identify and articulate explicit and implied main idea and major details, distinguish fact from opinion, determine the author’s and reader’s purpose and bias, and distinguish between literal and figurative meaning in a variety of increasingly complex academic and non-academic reading materials. Make accurate inferences and rely on information provided in text to substantiate thinking. Identify and evaluate complex points of view in different texts. Cultivate flexibility and skepticism about author’s and reader’s perspectives.
5. Use library resources to formulate a research query and select appropriate sources of information. Use critical thinking to evaluate increasingly complex and diverse information and sources for academic and lifelong learning. Identify and make use of steps in the research process.
6. Exhibit habits and contribute to academic success, including engagement and intellectual curiosity. Employ active learning and study strategies for academic success. Use campus support services and other learning resources to help meet academic goals. Participate in a classroom learning community in a respective and responsive manner.

79. RD 115 – College Reading
Contact/Credit Hour Change

80. RAD 120- Clinic II
Contact/Credit Hour Change

81. RAD 130 – Clinic III
Contact/Credit Hour Change

82. RAD 210 – Clinic V
Contact/Credit Hour Change

83. RAD 220- Clinic VI
Contact/Credit Hour Change

84. RAD 230 – Clinic VII
Contact/Credit Hour Change

85. RAD 240 – Clinic VIII
Contact/Credit Hour Change