Minutes 1-6-2010


A standing committee of the Education Advisory Committee
January 6, 2010
Sylvania CC, Conference Rm B

Members Present
x Ed DeGrauw, Chair x Pam Kessinger x Jim Parks
x Ross Kouzes Marc Spaziani x Joe Wright
x Doug Jones Tammy Dowd x Jim Jeffery
x Nancy Hutt x Rick Willebrand Andrew Cohen
x John Sparks x Heiko Spoddeck

Committee Support:

Committee support
Jeff Triplett Dorothy Badri x Andrew Roessler
x Stacey Timmins x Leslie Hackett x Sally Earll
Dmitri Alvarado x Amy Alday-Murray


Andrea Lowgren Jon Gieber Susanne Christopher
Marshall Meyer Cynthia Killingsworth Mike Morrow
Allen Jones Dick Wiseman Heidi Diaz
Susan Watson Virginia Vanderford Jerry Brask
Kathy Bernunzio Lily O’Rielly Lynn McBeth
Rosa Bettencourt Melody Wilson Martha Bailey

Information Items from the Curriculum Office:

(These items do not require curriculum committee recommendation)

Experimental Courses:
HST 199B – Western Civilization Skills and Issues
HST 199K – History of Japan and Korea in Cooperation and Conflict

Course Inactivation:
CS 200 – Computer Systems I

Available Grading Option:
CG 209 –? Job Finding Skills
CG 280A- Cooperative Education: Career Exploration

Old Business:

245. AD 101 – Alcohol Use and Addiction
Course Revision – Outcomes
Recommend outcomes:
At the conclusion of this course the student will be able to:

1. Apply knowledge of the causes, consequences and recovery from substance use, abuse and addiction to life, family and career.

2. Use an understanding of addiction science and evidence based practice in order to stay current with emerging research, technologies and treatment and prevention protocols.

3. Recognize the patterns of drug use that fall within social, abusive and addictive use of mood altering drugs and behaviors in order to be able to provide an appropriate response.

425. HST 271 – History of Central America and the Caribbean
Designation – Diversity Request

425a. HST 271 – History of Central American and the Caribbean
Designation- General Education Request

141. CIS 120 – Computer Concepts I
Course Revision – Des, Outcomes

New Business:

159. AD 103 – Women and Addiction
Course Revision – Outcomes

160. AD 150 – Basic Counseling and Addiction
Course Revision – Outcomes

161. AD 151 – Basic Counseling Mastery
Course Revision – Outcomes
Recommend outcome:

At the conclusion of this course the student will able to:
1. Demonstrate a minimally facilitative skill level in responding to client behavior, content, feelings and meaning on the Robert Carkuff rating scale or Non-Violent Communication Model in order to evaluate and to practice their level of accurate empathy with others.

162. AD 155 – Motivational Interviewing
Course Revision – Outcomes

163. AD 157 – Motivational Interviewing Lab
Course Revision – Outcomes

164. AD 270B – Practicum Seminar
Course Revision – Outcomes

165.? HE 278 – Human Health and the Environment
New Course

Examines the relationship between the environment and human health. Focuses on issues such as persistent environmental contaminants, environmental toxins, chemical exposures, climate change and accompanying disease outbreaks.? Includes a strong emphasis on personal decision making.
and outcomes:
1. Apply knowledge about current and emerging human environmental health issues to determine potential future behaviors and attitudes that lessen the harm to the immediate and the future health of individuals and their communities.

2. Determine and demonstrate an understanding of current and emerging health and environmental issues in order to develop a personal strategic plan to lessen harm to one’s immediate and future health from environmental contaminants, environmental toxins, and chemical exposures.

3. Assess the relationship between personal lifestyle choices, the environment, and human health to inform future personal and community health decisions.

166. BA 114 – Financial Survival
New Course
Recommend description:
Provides basic information and strategies to empower individuals to make positive decisions about funding their education and establishing control over their financial lives, leading to financial independence and reduced life stress. Topics include student financial aid and funding college, budgeting, wise use of credit, controlling debt, basic financial planning, effective financial decision making, and avoiding financial mistakes and pitfalls.? BA 114 and CG 114 cannot both be taken for credit. Prerequisite: WR 90, RD 90, and MTH 20 or equivalent placement test scores.

167. MUC 166 – The Music Business: Career Opportunities and Self Defense
New Course
course number: MUC 167
Transcript title: The Music Business

168. D 292 – Modern Dance 3
Course Revision – Number Change to D 292D

169. PE 182T – Tai Chi II
Course Revision – Number Change to PE 182G

170. ART 215 –An Introduction to the History of Photography
New Course
Postponed at SAC Request

171. CAS 180 – Search Engine Optimization – SEO
New Course

172. GD 120 – Graphic Design 1
Course Revision – Outcomes

173. GD 122 – Graphic Design 2
Course Revision – Outcomes

174. GD 124 – Graphic Design 3
Course Revision – Outcomes

175. RAD 254 – CT Physics, Equipment and Instrumentation
New Course
Available Grading Options: Letter Grade A-F, Audit*
Postponed at SAC Request

176. RAD 255 – CT Protocols, Procedures and Pathology
New Course
Available Grading Options: Letter Grade A-F, Audit*
Postponed at SAC Request

177. PL 140 – Immigration Law for Paralegals
New Course
Recommend description:
Provides students with an overview of United States immigration laws. Includes review and study of many critical immigration law doctrines, including nationality and citizenship, inadmissibility and deportability grounds, the worldwide immigrant selection system, basic administrative law concepts, asylum and refugee law, and defenses to deportation. Students will have an opportunity to analyze fact situations, review caselaw, draft documents and apply remedies, principles and doctrines discussed in the class.

178. MTH 20 – Basic Math
Course Revision – Des, Outcomes

179. WR 91 – Basic Grammar
Course Revision – Des, Outcomes
Recommend description:

Instruction in grammar including parts of speech, sentence types, subject verb agreement, pronoun usage and avoidance of fragments, run-ons, and other sentence errors.?? WR 91A and WR 91 are equivalent.? Only one may be taken for credit.
Prerequisite:? WR 80 and RD 80 or equivalent placement test score.
And Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to:

  • ?Creatively select and competently write appropriate sentence types in a variety of settings using grammatical conventions.
  • ?Accurately differentiate between fragments, run-ons, and sentences when editing various kinds of writing for personal, professional and academic purposes
  • Be prepared for future coursework that requires competency in the vocabulary of English grammar covered in this course.

180. WR 91A – Basic Grammar
Course Revision – Des, Outcomes
Recommend description:
Instruction in grammar including parts of speech, sentence types, subject verb agreement, pronoun usage and avoidance of fragments, run-ons, and other sentence errors.? This class is offered in a flexible schedule, lecture/lab format.? WR 91A and WR 91 are equivalent.? Only one may be taken for credit.
Prerequisite:? WR 80 and? RD 80 or equivalent placement test score.
and Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to:

  • ?Creatively select and competently write appropriate sentence types in a variety of settings using grammatical conventions.
  • ?Accurately differentiate between fragments, run-ons, and sentences when editing various kinds of writing for personal, professional, and academic purposes.
  • Be prepared for future coursework that requires competency in the vocabulary of English grammar covered in this course.

181. WR 92 – Basic Grammar
Course Revision – Des, Outcomes
Recommend description:
Instruction in grammar including punctuation, sentence structure, and the writing process.? This course is offered in a flexible schedule, lecture/lab format. WR 92A and WR 92 are equivalent.? Only one may be taken for credit.
Prerequisite:? WR 80 RD 80 or equivalent placement test scores.
and Outcomes:

  • Competently create correct sentences using grammatical conventions.
  • Fluently and creatively communicate in writing for personal, professional, and academic purposes using a variety of sentence structures, paragraphs and short essays, which may include competency in summarizing, paraphrasing and attribution.
  • Confidently employ a writing process with a clear regard for the stages of invention, support/organization, and drafting and revision.
  • Be prepared for future coursework that requires competency in the vocabulary of English grammar and in the writing process covered in this course.

182. WR 92A – Basic Grammar
Course Revision – Des, Outcomes
Recommend description:
Instruction in grammar including punctuation, sentence structure, and the writing process.? WR 92A and WR 92 are equivalent.? Only one may be taken for credit. Prerequisite:? WR 80 and RD 80 or equivalent placement test score.

And Outcomes:

  • Competently create correct sentences using grammatical conventions.
  • Fluently and creatively communicate in writing for personal, professional, and academic purposes using a variety of sentence structures, paragraphs and short essays, which may include competency in summarizing, paraphrasing and attribution.
  • Confidently employ a writing process with a clear regard for the stages of invention, support statements, organizational structure, and developing and revising draft documents..
  • Be prepared for future coursework that requires competency in the vocabulary of English grammar and in the writing process covered in this course.

183. RD 95 – Reading for Enjoyment
Course Revision – Des, Req, Outcomes
Recommend description:
Help students develop their abilities to read, understand, and enjoy literature.

184. HON 101 – Introduction to Honors: Scholarly Inquiry
New Course
Guides motivated students into the theory and practice of scholarly reading, researching, writing and presenting academic work. Students will learn to explore the serious questions of our world. The students will begin to build their Honors program portfolio of work. This course should be taken early in the student’s experience and will define a cohort of Honors students. Prepares students to succeed in multiple academic environments. 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网s skills required for transfer.
Prerequisite: 3.25 GPA.
And outcomes:

1. Analyze and critique complex concepts encountered in primary and secondary sources.

2. Establish and propose powerful research questions.

3. Formulate and execute a plan of action involving sophisticated research strategies.

4. Draft a portfolio and plan to navigate the academic environment