

We're all in this togetherThe food we all eat has an impact on people and the planet, and PCC Dining Services is proud to offer food choices that reflect the school’s commitment to sustainability. We’ve been serving local food and beverages long before sustainability became a buzzword. Beginning in the mid 90’s, Dining Services began carrying local unknown products like Higher Taste vegetarian sandwiches and a new local hot beverage called Oregon Chai (both well known products now). We’re also pleased to support a PCC Alumni and their company Snackrilege which makes vegan sandwiches that are available in some of our cafeterias as well.

Over the last 20+ years, Dining Services has continued to expand its commitment to sustainability adding a variety of sustainable foods (including produce from the learning garden), ?but also serving compostable serviceware, working with facilities services to reduce waste and increase composting, as well as purchasing energy and water saving equipment whenever possible. The next big sustainable step forward is integrating recycled plastic durables and transitioning away from disposables of any kind.

Your sustainable food

Poppe & Nora PCC 2016PCC Learning Garden DelicataPCC Learning GardenEarth Week Work Party 2018Beets from PCC Learning Garden!PCC Learning GardenEarth Week Work Party 2018PCC Harvest Becky n Ruth from Food ServicesPCC Learning Garden KalePoppe & Nora PCC 2016PCC Learning GardenEarth Week Work Party 2018Healthy Food from PCC Learning Garden!PCC Learning GardenEarth Week Work Party 2018Healthy Food from PCC Learning Garden!