Faculty Notification letter

The Faculty Notification letter is a confidential document produced by Accessible Ed & Disability Resources for students to communicate accommodation specific information to instructors. The letter:

Is created for each course each term

  • students log in to select specific adjustments they are eligible for
  • the notification letter is scheduled to be sent to the instructor of record
  • disability services sends the letters to faculty in the week before classes start

Outlines eligibility while preserving privacy

  • does not disclose the nature of disability
  • does describe specific auxiliary aids and services that are necessary

Creates a conduit for communication

  • includes Accessible Ed & Disability Resources contact information in case the instructor has questions or concerns
  • provides links to additional guidance

How to request accommodation

As a student, when you log in to the accommodation management system, you will see the courses you have registered for and will be able to select the aids or services you are eligible for. The faculty notification letters will then be sent to the instructor of record for each course electronically. You will be able to print, save, or view at any time.

When to make requests

Students should make accommodation requests as soon as possible after registering for classes. Accommodations don’t begin until after instructors have received a copy of the faculty notification letter. Accommodations are not retroactive.

How to discuss with your instructors

Each student and instructor combination is a new experience. While we are all committed to ensuring access, there are particulars that are specific to each course that must be taken into account, thus, we encourage open communication lines between students, faculty, and disability services. We are here for you.

Discussing your accommodations
  1. You and/or your instructor may find it helpful to discuss the accommodation plan, especially if there are questions about how things should be put in place – Accessible Ed & Disability Resources is a resource for both you and your instructor.
  2. If meeting in person is not possible, you can arrange other means such as phone or ?online session.
  3. The important thing is that both you and your instructor are comfortable with your accommodation plan. By communicating directly we can ensure any questions or concerns are? addressed early on. Accessible Ed & Disability Resources should be consulted to resolve any concerns.
When you meet, introduce yourself

Here’s an easy introduction you might try:

  • “Hi, my name is (blank) and I’m in your (blank) class.”
  • “I’m working with Accessible Ed & Disability Resources, and you should have received a notice about the accommodations I’ll need in your class.”
Focus on access
  • Information about the nature of the disability you experience is confidential. You are not required to share disability specific information with your instructor. ?If you are asked about it, you can refer your instructor to Accessible Ed & Disability Resources.
  • Remember that requests for exceptions to course policies require collaboration between disability services, instructional faculty, and students.
  • Use the interactive process – if something gives you questions or concerns, bring them to Accessible Ed & Disability Resources. We will work together to resolve.