Education Abroad Scholarship Recipients

The Education Abroad Office provides support for PCC students who are applying to various scholarships. Congratulations to the following students who have successfully received scholarship awards!

2017 PCC Foundation Education Abroad Scholarship Recipients

Sade’ Mitchell

Summer 2017, Intercultural Communications in Peru

Sade’ knew as soon as she heard about the study abroad program in Peru that she wanted to participate. “How I was going to afford it, was a different story,” she said. “I went from working a part time job to working two part time jobs and babysitting on my down time.” Sade’s hard work, combined with the PCC Foundation Education Abroad Scholarship, allowed her to study abroad and make her dreams come true.

Sade’ knew that growing up in an unstable family, being placed in the foster care system, and attending six high schools and one junior college before coming PCC meant the odds were stacked against her. “I knew that I had to better myself by going to school…I knew that I had to beat the odds even though the odds wanted to beat me.” By receiving this scholarship, Sade’ was able to explore the world, take an Intercultural Communications course that will be beneficial in her professional career as a social worker, and achieve one of her dreams.Photo of Sade Mitchell in front of a rock wall, with her fellow program participants standing on top.

Sade’ said, “It was one of the most joyous times in my life. I hiked up to Machu Picchu, I toured the great land of Cusco where I saw the?Sacsayhuamán, built by the Inca, and saw one of the most magnificent sunsets on the beach in Paracas while making new found friends that I appreciate dearly. This experience left a very great impression on me. Not only did I learn about the beautiful land that I walked on and the honest and vulnerable peers around me, but I got to learn so much about myself.

Because of this amazing experience I feel like anything is possible. I would have never thought in a million years this would happen to me. I had only dreamed of it in my head, but PCC helped me achieve one of my biggest goals. I am now a transfer student at PSU studying social work. Knowing the issues that are going on in the USA and now knowing some of the challenges in Peru as well only helped me know that this field is for me. I have always been one to seek change and fairness for all human beings. I believe that interlocking with people far and wide will bring out the peace that I hope to achieve while working in this field.

Study abroad to me means new beginnings, fun adventures, and hope.? A new beginning to uncover some of your true self, adventures that will impact your life forever while having some of the greatest fun that you will not forget, and hope that life can be as true and pure as long as you put yourself out there for new and exciting journeys.”

Heather Brown

Summer 2017, Intercultural Communications in Peru

“I never thought I would be able to travel the world because I am from a family that never had anything,” said Heather. Born and raised in Portland, OR, Heather said she didn’t have many opportunities to travel because money was tight. With the PCC Foundation Education Abroad Scholarship, however, Heather was able to study abroad in Peru. “This donation really made all the difference in whether or not I was able to take part in this trip,” she said.

Heather knew the study abroad program would change her life in positive ways, allow her to work on personal goals, and deepen her appreciation for all the world has to offer. With the help of this scholarship, Heather was able to accomplish her goals and finance the month-long program.

Heather goes onto describes her course of study. “My study abroad program was based out of South America, in Peru, where I stayed in Lima Miraflores for the month of July. My Professor Teela Foxworth taught a class about intercultural communications. I learned a great deal from this program! Lessons that can’t be learned in the everyday classroom. This experience truly helped made me grow as a person. I used to only look at things from my perspective and that was not a good trait, Teela taught me just because it’s my perspective doesn’t mean it’s right. Today I find myself being more aware of my surroundings such as behaviors of others. I notice how some people throw words around not realizing that it could offend someone. It’s important to think about what you are going to say before saying it because you do not know how your words may affect someone else. Some people use humor to justify racial or sexist slurs and after hearing stories of my peers experiences clarified that it’s never okay to make unnecessary comments even if it’s just a joke. During and after this program I started working on myself to become a better person. I know there’s always room for improvement and just because you failed once does not mean you will not succeed if you keep trying. I correct myself when I referred to something as weird because it’s not weird it’s just different. While I was down there I learned just because it’s not normal to me doesn’t mean it’s not normal for another person or cultural.? I learned so much about the Peruvian culture. It was a remarkable experience seeing the temples and it was so interesting to learn the history of their land and compare it to the history of the United States. I have always wanted to see the world, but I now feel this desire to get out there like never before! This new found passion to travel started to burn after my time in Peru. This world is too incredible not to explore. Peru was such a beautiful place and I would have never been able to experience it the way I did without Portland community college and Teela helping me start my world travels.”

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