2019 Photo Contest


Seeing the World: City life, nature landscapes, global differences
  • 2019 Winner: “Hiking the White Cliffs of Dover” by Christopher Bryde. Description: One of my favourite things about Study Abroad in London was the ability to visit great landscapes on the weekends. Program: Math in England

Image of student on the cliffs of Dover

  • 2019 Runner up: “Turtle Rock View” by Wyatt Munns? Description: “Should have never left” Program: Ecology in Australia.

Image of Turle Rock - water and pretty green background

Embracing New Cultures: Food, cultural lifestyles, local traditions and activities
  • 2019 Winner: “The Merry Wives of Windsor at the Globe Theater” by Christopher Bryde. Description: My favourite part of Study Abroad in London, was the ability to go to Shakespeare’s Globe after class, and see plays. Enjoyable, educational, enriching, and inexpensive. There is no experience like it. Program: Math in England.

Photo student took of the Globe Theatre

  • 2019 Runner up: “Thank you So Matcha” by Laurie Wandle. Description: I love Green tea, it is so healthy for us. This gorgeous photo was taken in Tokyo, at a traditional Japanese tea ceremony.? I am super thankful for the experience.? Program: Peace & Conflict in Japan and South Korea.

Close up image of green tea grounds

Self-Discovery: What you’ve learned about yourself through your travels or your academic course
  • 2019 Winner: “Friendship” by Robert O’Brien. Description: Friendship is an important universal language that is spoken more with attitude or demeanor than words alone. Making friends in Japan was as simple as smiling and posing.? Program: Peace & Conflict in Japan and South Korea.

Image of 4 teenagers in busy street

  • 2019 Runner up: “The Grand Lantern (Asakusa Shrine)” by Jose Luis Garcia. Description: While abroad I learned a lot about myself I feel. Being my first time out of the country and on my own with no family around it was an eye opening experience that gave me the exhilaration of being lost in another culture. A dream of mine was to always go to japan, and having achieved this feat for a dream that I have had for so long, has encouraged me and driven me to accomplish my dreams, knowing I can so anything I set my mind to. Program: Japanese Culture.

Photo of student in front of the Asuka Shrine in Japan