Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

All financial aid students must maintain satisfactory academic progress (SAP) and work towards an eligible degree or certificate. In addition, federal regulations require students be on pace to complete their degree or certificate before reaching a 150% maximum credit limit. (Please note that PCC’s academic standards are different from Financial Aid SAP.)

Determination of Financial Aid SAP standing: SAP will be determined for all applicants prior to being awarded financial aid. Determination will be based on all previous academic history at PCC regardless of whether or not financial assistance was received. SAP standing will be reviewed at the end of every term.

How do I meet Financial Aid SAP?

PCC’s requirements for meeting Financial Aid SAP are:

Maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher

Cumulative grade point average is calculated from all grades achieved by a student, not just from one term.

Successful completion of 66.67% of all attempted credits

Completed or passing grades include: A, B, C, D and P (pass). The following grades are considered attempted but not completed or passing credits: F, NP (no pass), W (withdraw), I (incomplete), CIP (course in progress). To calculate your completion rate, divide your total passed hours by your total attempted hours.

Ability to complete declared degree or certificate within 150% maximum credit limit

Federal regulations require that students complete their degree or certificate within 150% of the credits required for a program of study. For example, if an associate degree requires 90 credits, a student must complete the degree within 135 attempted credits. Attempted credits include all earned, unearned, repeated, and transfer credits. All attempted credits count toward this limit, even if financial aid is not received or there are extenuating circumstances for not completing credits. Up to 45 total credits of combined ESOL and 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网mental Education (credits below the 100 level) will be excluded when calculating attempted credits toward the credit limit. A student’s record will be evaluated to determine if they are able to complete a degree or certificate within the maximum number of attempted credits allowed. When it is determined a student will not complete their program within the 150% credit limit, the student will be suspended from receiving financial aid. The 150% maximum credit rule is applicable to all financial aid students, even if they change their major or pursue double majors and second degrees. Students who have a bachelor’s degree and who have declared the following majors: Associate of General Studies (AGS), Associate of Arts/Oregon Transfer (AAOT), or Associate of Science/Oregon Transfer-Business (ASOTB) will be required to submit a credit limit appeal.

Financial aid reinstatement and appeals

Financial aid eligibility may be reinstated when the student raises their cumulative GPA to 2.0 and has achieved a cumulative completion rate of two-thirds (66.67%) of all credit hours attempted. Reinstatement of financial aid eligibility may also occur upon approval of an appeal.

SAP appeal process

A student may request consideration for reinstatement of financial aid eligibility by completing the SAP appeal form with appropriate documentation. An appeal must be received and approved prior to or during a term for which aid is being requested. Aid will not be awarded retroactively for a prior term in which financial aid eligibility was suspended or during which satisfactory progress was not made. A student may appeal if the reason for failure to meet SAP standards was the result of extenuating circumstances and if the situation that caused the poor performance has been resolved. Documentation of extenuating circumstances may be required. Students will receive notification of the results of their appeal in MyPCC email within 2-4 weeks of submission. Appeals may result in any one of the following actions:

  • Reinstatement on probation
  • Reinstatement on an academic plan where the student will be held to specific requirements
  • Denial of reinstatement
Credit limit appeal process

Students have the right to request an extension of their financial aid eligibility when exceeding or expecting to exceed the maximum credits allowed for their degree or certificate. Students will need to complete a credit limit appeal form and include an academic plan from their academic advisor. Submission of an appeal does not guarantee approval. If an appeal is approved, coursework will be limited to courses required for the completion of the degree or certificate. In addition, a student must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 and successfully complete all courses listed on their academic plan. Failure to meet the requirements of the approved credit limit appeal will result in suspension of financial aid eligibility. Students working on preparatory coursework for admission into a PCC program are restricted to Federal Direct Student Loan eligibility at first year status for up to one consecutive 12-month period. If a credit limit appeal is denied, a student may request a committee review of the appeal by contacting the Financial Aid Office. The committee typically meets weekly. If the Committee’s decision is to uphold the denial, the student may not submit any subsequent requests for funding consideration.

Additional SAP definitions

Grades and credit completion

Passing grades include: A, B, C, D and P (pass). The following grades are considered attempted but not completed or passing credits: F, NP (no pass), W (withdraw), I (incomplete), CIP (course in progress). If a student completes zero credits in a term for which financial aid was received, the student may owe a financial aid repayment.

Repeated courses

A student may receive financial aid for a repeated class under these conditions:

  • Until student receives a passing grade for a non-completed or non-passed class (F, NP)
  • Once for a previously passed class
Transfer credits

Credits taken at another institution that are officially accepted by PCC will be used in the calculation of SAP standing and will count toward the 150% maximum credit limit.

Non-traditional credits

Non-traditional credits (this includes AP, CLEP, IB and Military) that are accepted for credit at PCC will be used in the calculation of SAP standing and will be counted in the calculation of the 150% maximum credit limit for financial aid.

Consortium agreements

Students enrolled in more than one institution under consortium agreements are subject to the home institution’s SAP policy. When PCC is the home institution, credits earned at the host institution will be included in calculation of Financial Aid SAP standing and toward the 150% maximum credit limit.

Financial Aid SAP statuses

green stoplight

Financial aid good standing

Student has a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher, is completing 66.67% of all attempted credits, and is able to graduate within 150% maximum credit limit.

green stoplight

Financial aid warning

Student’s cumulative GPA dropped below 2.0 and/or student has not completed 66.67% of all attempted credits, and student is able to graduate within 150% maximum credit limit. A student in warning status is able to receive financial aid, but must meet SAP standards during that term of enrollment to remain eligible for subsequent financial aid.

green stoplight

Financial aid suspension

Student did not meet SAP standards while in financial aid warning or probation status, or it is determined that the student will not be able to graduate within 150% maximum credit limit, or a student in financial aid academic plan status fails to follow academic plan. Student is not eligible to receive financial aid while in financial aid suspension.

green stoplight

Financial aid probation

This status is only granted upon the approval of a SAP appeal. Student may receive financial aid for one term but must meet SAP standards by the end of that term to remain eligible for subsequent financial aid.

green stoplight

Financial aid probation with academic plan

Student fails to meet SAP standards for the term in which the student is on financial aid probation. This status is only granted upon the approval of a SAP appeal with the condition the student follows an academic plan. The student is eligible to receive financial aid as long as the student continues to follow that academic plan.