Submit your schedule

You need to submit your schedule for certification every term. Only classes that apply towards your declared degree at PCC can be certified for VA education benefits. For earliest processing, register for classes as soon as you are able to and submit your schedule for certification right away.

Step 1: go to the veterans area in MyPCC

Mypcc paying for college tab screenshot

  • In MyPCC, go to the Paying for College tab
  • Click the link to submit your schedule for VA certification

Step 2: submit your schedule

screenshot of submit screen

  • Verify the courses you are registered for and your current address
  • Use the comment box to update your address, indicate if another school is your parent school, or if there is additional information you want to provide
  • Check the box and click the submit button
  • If you change your schedule, you can’t re-submit online. Contact us at or 971-722-4502

We’ll take it from here! Make sure to submit your schedule for certification each term. For more information about what to expect, see: getting your VA payments.

For assistance with these steps please contact a Veterans Specialist!