General Education classes

General Education classes introduce students to fundamental ideas and intellectual activities. Students are required to take General Education courses in the following three areas to complete a degree.

See what classes are currently offered in the class schedule.

Arts and Letters

Course Title Cultural Literacy Lab Science
ART?101 Understanding Architecture
ART?102 Understanding the Visual Arts
ART?103 Understanding New Media Arts
ART?115 Basic Design: 2D Foundations
ART?116 Basic Design: Color Foundations
ART?117 Basic Design: 3D Foundations
ART?119 Basic Design: 4D Foundations
ART?131A Drawing I
ART?140A Introduction to Digital Photography
ART?141 Introduction to Photography
ART?142A Darkroom Photography I
ART?143A Darkroom Photography II
ART?181A Painting I
ART?197 Artist Skills/Practical Issues
ART?203 Indigenous Art of the United States and Canada ?
ART?204 Global Art History: 65,000 BCE – 5th Century
ART?205 Global Art History: 6th Century – 1700
ART?206 Global Art History: 1700 to the Present
ART?207 History of Asian Art: Art and Architecture of India ?
ART?208 History of Asian Art: Art and Architecture of China ?
ART?209 History of Asian Art: Art and Architecture of Japan ?
ART?210 Women in Art ?
ART?211 Modern Art History: 19th Century Art in Europe & America
ART?212 Modern Art History: Early 20th Century Art
ART?213 Modern Art History: Art Since 1945
ART?214 History of Graphic Design
ART?216 Introduction to the History of Photography
ART?218A Calligraphy I: Roman Capitals and Humanist Bookhand
ART?218B Calligraphy I: Italic
ART?218C Calligraphy I: Carolingian and Uncial
ART?219A Hand Lettering: Monoline Techniques
ART?219B Hand Lettering: Special Tools
ART?219C Hand Lettering: Hand Drawn Letters
ART?220A Calligraphy II: Roman Capitals and Humanist Bookhand
ART?220B Calligraphy II: Italic
ART?220C Calligraphy II: Carolingian and Uncial
ART?231A Drawing II
ART?237A Drawing the Human Figure
ART?240A Photo II: Digital Photography
ART?243 The Photographic Portfolio
ART?244 Photo I: Black and White Photography
ART?253A Ceramics I
ART?254 Ceramics Hand Building
ART?255 Ceramics Wheel Throwing
ART?256A Ceramics II
ART?257 Ceramics and Plaster Molds
ART?272 Printmaking I Screenprinting
ART?273 Printmaking I Intaglio
ART?274 Printmaking I Relief
ART?275 Printmaking II
ART?277A Painting the Human Figure
ART?279A Experimental Media: Making and Meaning
ART?281A Painting II
ART?284A Watercolor I
ART?287A Watercolor II
ART?290A Sculpture: Plaster/Clay
ART?291A Sculpture: Carving
ART?292A Sculpture: Mixed Media
ART?293A Figure Sculpture
ART?294A Sculpture: Metals
ASL?201 American Sign Language IV
ASL?202 American Sign Language V
ASL?203 American Sign Language VI
ASL?240 Introduction to the Deaf Community ?
ASL?250 Accelerated American Sign Language III
ASL?251 Accelerated American Sign Language IV
CHLA?201 Intro to Chicanx/Latinx Studies: Historical Perspectives ?
CHLA?202 Intro to Chicanx/Latinx Studies: Contemporary Issues ?
CHLA?203 Intro to Chicanx/Latinx Studies: Making Culture ?
COMM?100Z Introduction to Communication (COMM100=COMM100Z)
COMM?111HZ Public Speaking: Honors (COMM111H=COMM111HZ)
COMM?111Z Public Speaking (COMM111=COMM111Z)
COMM?112 Argumentation, Advocacy, and Debate
COMM?140 Introduction to Intercultural Communication ?
COMM?204 Visual Communication for Media
COMM?215 Communicating in Teams and Small Groups
COMM?218Z Interpersonal Communication (COMM214=COMM218=COMM218Z)
COMM?227 Nonverbal Communication
COMM?228 Mass Communication and Society
COMM?237 Gender and Communication ?
ENG?104Z Introduction to Fiction (ENG104=ENG104Z)
ENG?105Z Introduction to Drama (ENG105=ENG105Z)
ENG?106Z Introduction to Poetry (ENG106=ENG106Z)
ENG?107 Introduction to World Literature (Up to 16th-Century)
ENG?108 Introduction to World Literature (16th-Century to Present)
ENG?195 Film Studies: Film as Art
ENG?196 Film Studies: Directors
ENG?197 Film Studies: Contemporary Themes and Genres
ENG?201 Shakespeare: Early Works
ENG?202 Shakespeare: Later Works
ENG?204 Survey of British Literature – Medieval Age to 1700s
ENG?205 Survey of British Literature – 1700 to Present
ENG?207 Literature of India ?
ENG?208 Literature of China ?
ENG?209 Literature of Japan ?
ENG?212 Biography and Autobiography
ENG?213 Latin American Literature ?
ENG?214 Literature of the Northwest
ENG?216 Teen and Children’s Literature
ENG?217 Literature of Genocide
ENG?220 Literature of Comics and Graphic Novels
ENG?222 Images of Women in Literature ?
ENG?230 Environmental Literature
ENG?237 Working-Class Literature ?
ENG?240 Introduction to Native American Literatures ?
ENG?244 Introduction to Asian American Literature ?
ENG?250 Introduction to Folklore and Mythology ?
ENG?253 American Literature to 1865
ENG?254 American Literature from 1865
ENG?257 African American Literature to the Harlem Renaissance ?
ENG?258 African American Literature from the Harlem Renaissance ?
ENG?260 Introduction to Women Writers ?
ENG?261 Literature of Science Fiction
ENG?265 Literature of Social Protest
ENG?266 Literature of War ?
ENG?269 Wilderness Literature
ENG?275 The Bible as Literature
ES?244 Introduction to Asian American Literature ?
ES?252 Intro to Asian American and Pacific Islander Studies
ES?257 African American Literature to the Harlem Renaissance ?
ES?258 African American Literature from the Harlem Renaissance ?
ESOL?260 Level 8 Academic Reading
ESOL?262 Level 8 Academic Writing
FR?201 Second Year French – First Term
FR?202 Second Year French – Second Term
FR?203 Second Year French – Third Term
GER?201 Second Year German – First Term
GER?202 Second Year German – Second Term
GER?203 Second Year German – Third Term
HUM?100 Introduction to Humanities ?
HUM?221 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网ment ?
J?201 Mass Communication and Society
J?204 Visual Communication for Media
JPN?202 Second Year Japanese – Second Term
JPN?260A Japanese Culture ?
JPN?262A Japanese Popular Culture ?
MUS?105 Music Appreciation Through Listening
MUS?108 Music as Culture ?
MUS?110 Fundamentals of Music
MUS?111 Music Theory I
MUS?141 Intro to Songwriting ?
MUS?170 Music Technology: Beats and Basics
MUS?205 Introduction to the History of Jazz ?
MUS?206 Introduction to the History of Rock Music
MUS?207 History of American Roots Music ?
MUS?216 History of Hip Hop Music and Culture ?
MUS?236 Introduction to the Music of Latin America ?
MUS?291 Guitarology: History, Players and Innovators
NAS?201 Introduction to Native American Studies ?
NAS?203 Indigenous Art of the United States and Canada ?
NAS?240 Introduction to Native American Literatures ?
NAS?249 Introduction to Alaska Native Studies ?
PHL?191 Analysis & Evaluation of Argument
PHL?195 Science, Skepticism, & the Unknown
PHL?197 Manufacturing Reality: Critical Thinking and the Media
PHL?201 Being and Knowing
PHL?201H Being and Knowing: Honors
PHL?202 Ethics
PHL?202H Ethics: Honors
PHL?204 Philosophy of Religion
PHL?205 Biomedical Ethics
PHL?206 Introduction to Environmental Ethics
PHL?207 Ethics and Aging
PHL?208 Political Philosophy
PHL?209 Business Ethics
PHL?210 Introduction to Asian Philosophy ?
PHL?211 Existentialism
PHL?212 Introduction to Philosophy of Mind
PHL?221 Symbolic Logic
PHL?222 The Philosophy of Art and Beauty
R?201 Asian Religions ?
R?210 World Religions ?
RUS?201 Second Year Russian – First Term
RUS?202 Second Year Russian – Second Term
RUS?203 Second Year Russian – Third Term
RUS?241 Great Russian Writers-19th Century ?
RUS?242 Great Russian Writers-20th Century ?
SJ?210 Social Justice: Theory & Practice
SPA?201 Second Year Spanish – First Term
SPA?217 Spanish for Heritage Speakers – 1st Term
SPA?218 Spanish for Heritage Speakers – 2nd Term
SPA?260A Hispanic Culture
SPA?265A Spanish Culture
TA?101 Theatre Appreciation
TA?141 Fundamentals of Acting Techniques
WR?222 Writing Research Papers
WR?239 Creative Writing (Word & Image)
WR?240 Creative Writing – Nonfiction
WR?241 Creative Writing – Fiction
WR?242 Creative Writing – Poetry
WR?243 Creative Writing – Script Writing
WR?244 Advanced Creative Writing – Fiction
WR?245 Advanced Creative Writing – Poetry
WR?246 Advanced Creative Writing, Editing & Publishing
WR?247 Advanced Creative Writing – Scriptwriting
WR?248 Advanced Creative Writing – Nonfiction
WR?249 Advanced Creative Writing, Editing & Publishing II
WS?101 Women’s Studies ?
WS?201 Intercultural Women’s Studies ?
WS?202 Women, Activism and Social Change ?
WS?210 Introduction to Queer Studies ?

Science, Math, and Computer Science

Course Title Cultural Literacy Lab Science
BI?101 Biology I ?
BI?101H Biology I: Honors ?
BI?102 Biology II ?
BI?103 Biology III ?
BI?112 Cell Biology for Health Occupations ?
BI?121 Introduction to Human Anatomy & Physiology I ?
BI?122 Introduction to Human Anatomy & Physiology II ?
BI?141 Habitats: Life of the Forest ?
BI?142 Habitats: Marine Biology ?
BI?143 Habitats: Freshwater Biology ?
BI?145 Intro. to Fish and Wildlife Conservation and Management ?
BI?163 Organic Gardening ?
BI?164 Bird Identification and Ecology ?
BI?200B Principles of Ecology: Field Biology
BI?202 Botany: An Introduction to the Plant Kingdom ?
BI?211 Principles of Biology I ?
BI?212 Principles of Biology II ?
BI?231 Human Anatomy & Physiology I ?
BI?232 Human Anatomy & Physiology II ?
CH?100 Everyday Chemistry with Lab ?
CH?104 Allied Health Chemistry I ?
CH?151 Preparatory Chemistry ?
CH?221 General Chemistry I ?
CH?222 General Chemistry II ?
CH?223 General Chemistry III ?
CIS?121 Information Systems and Programming
CIS?122 Introduction to Programming Logic
CS?160 Exploring Computer Science
ESR?140 Introduction to Sustainability
ESR?141 Introduction to Individual Sustainability
ESR?171 Environmental Science: Biological Perspectives ?
ESR?172 Environmental Science: Chemical Perspectives ?
ESR?173 Environmental Science: Geological Perspectives ?
ESR?200 Introduction to Environmental Systems ?
ESR?204 Introduction to Environmental Restoration ?
FN?110 Personal Nutrition
FN?114 Cultural Food Studies ?
G?147 Geology of the National Parks of the United States ?
G?148 Volcanoes and Earthquakes ?
G?184 Global Climate Change ?
G?201 Earth Materials and Tectonics ?
G?202 Earth Surface Processes ?
G?203 Evolution of Planet Earth ?
G?207 Geology of the Pacific Northwest
GS?106 Introduction to Earth Science Systems ?
GS?107 Physical Science (Astronomy) ?
GS?108 Physical Science (Oceanography) ?
GS?109 Physical Science (Meteorology) ?
MTH?105Z Math in Society (MTH105=MTH105Z)
MTH?111Z Precalculus I: Functions (MTH111=MTH111Z)
MTH?112Z Precalculus II: Trigonometry (MTH112=MTH112Z)
MTH?211 Foundations of Elementary Math I
MTH?212 Foundations of Elementary Math II
MTH?213 Foundations of Elementary Math III
MTH?241 Calculus for Management, Life and Social Science
MTH?244 Statistics II
MTH?251 Calculus I
MTH?252 Calculus II
MTH?253 Calculus III
MTH?254 Vector Calculus I
MTH?256 Differential Equations
MTH?261 Applied Linear Algebra I
PHY?100 Everyday Physics ?
PHY?101 Force, Motion, and Energy ?
PHY?102 Atoms, Matter, and Heat ?
PHY?103 Sound, Light, and Electricity ?
PHY?121 The Solar System ?
PHY?122 Stars and Stellar Evolution ?
PHY?123 Galaxies and Cosmology ?
PHY?201 General Physics ?
PHY?211 General Physics (Calculus) ?
STAT?243Z Elementary Statistics I (MTH/STAT243=STAT243Z)

Social Sciences

Course Title Cultural Literacy Lab Science
ATH?101 Introduction to Biological Anthropology
ATH?102 Introduction to Archaeology
ATH?103 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
ATH?104 Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology
ATH?160 Comparative Cultures ?
ATH?208 World Ethnography ?
ATH?209 Culture, Change, and the Individual ?
ATH?213 Environment, Food, and Resilience
ATH?214 Environment, Animals, and Culture
ATH?230 Indigenous Cultures and Communities of Oregon ?
ATH?231 Indigenous Cultures and Communities of the Pacific Northwest ?
ATH?232 Indigenous Cultures and Communities of U.S. and Canada ?
ATH?234 Death and Dying in Cross-Cultural Perspectives
ATH?235 Archaeology of the Americas
CG?191 Exploring Identity and Diversity for College Success ?
EC?200 Introduction to Economics
EC?201 Principles of Economics: Microeconomics
EC?202 Principles of Economics: Macroeconomics
EC?203 Principles of Economics: Applications to Economic Issues
EC?216 Labor Markets: Economics of Gender, Race, and Work
EC?221 Globalization and International Relations
EC?285 Introduction to Political Economy
ES?101 Introduction to Ethnic Studies ?
ES?250 Introduction to Black (Africana) Studies ?
ES?260 Decolonizing Education ?
ES?261 Applied Ethnic Studies I
ES?262 Applied Ethnic Studies II
GEO?105 Human Geography ?
GEO?106 World Regional Geography ?
GEO?110 The Natural Environment
GEO?170 Maps and Geospatial Concepts
GEO?202 Geography of Europe
GEO?204 Geography of Middle East ?
GEO?206 Geography of Oregon ?
GEO?209 Climate Change and Human Systems
GEO?212 Geography of Global Issues ?
GEO?215 Geography of Latin America ?
GEO?230 Geography of Race & Ethnicity ?
GEO?250 Geography of Africa ?
GEO?265 Intro to GIS & Mapping Techniques
HE?212 Women’s Health
HE?213 Men’s Health
HE?251 Community and Public Health
HE?262 Children’s Health
HE?264 Food Systems and Public Health
HE?278 Human Health and the Environment
HEC?226 Child 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网ment
HST?101 History of Western Civilization: Ancient to Medieval ?
HST?102 History of Western Civilization: Medieval to Modern ?
HST?103 History of Western Civilization: Modern Europe ?
HST?104 History of the Middle East ?
HST?105 History of India and South Asia ?
HST?106 History of China ?
HST?107 History of Korea and Japan ?
HST?121 World History, Ancient
HST?122 World History, Medieval and Early Modern
HST?123 World History, Modern
HST?201 History of the United States to 1840 ?
HST?202 History of the United States 1840-1914 ?
HST?203 History of the United States 1914 to Present ?
HST?204 History of Women in the U.S.: Pre-colonial to 1877 ?
HST?205 History of Women in the U.S.: 1877 to Present ?
HST?218 American Indian History ?
HST?225 History of Global Sexualities and Families ?
HST?240 Oregon History ?
HST?244 Introduction to Viking History ?
HST?247 Religion in the United States since 1840 ?
HST?250 African American History to 1877 ?
HST?251 African American History since 1877 ?
HST?270 History of Mexico ?
HST?271 History of Central America and the Caribbean ?
HST?277 History of the Oregon Trail ?
HST?285 The Holocaust ?
IDS?234 Introduction to the Culture of Human Health Research
INTL?201 Introduction to International Studies ?
PS?201 U.S. Government
PS?202 U.S. Public Policy & Democracy
PS?203 State and Local Government
PS?205 Global Politics: Conflict & Cooperation ?
PS?211 Peace and Conflict ?
PS?220 U.S. Foreign Policy
PS?221 Globalization and International Relations
PS?225 Political Ideologies: Idea Systems ?
PSY?101 Psychology and Human Relations
PSY?201AZ Introduction to Psychology I (PSY201A=PSY201AZ) ?
PSY?202AZ Introduction to Psychology II (PSY202A=PSY202AZ) ?
PSY?215 Human 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网ment
SOC?204 Introduction to Sociology ?
SOC?205 Social Change
SOC?206 Social Problems ?
SOC?211 Peace and Conflict Studies ?
SOC?213 Diversity in the United States ?
SOC?214A Illumination Project I: Interactive Social Justice Theater ?
SOC?214B Illumination Project II: Interactive Social Justice Theater ?
SOC?214C Illumination Project III: Interactive Social Justice Theater ?
SOC?215 Social Movements ?
SOC?218 Sociology of Gender ?
SOC?219 Introduction to Sociology of Religion
SOC?221 Globalization and International Relations
SOC?223 Sociology of the Life Course ?
SOC?228 Introduction to Environmental Sociology ?
SOC?230 Introduction to Gerontology ?
SOC?231 Sociology of Healthy Aging ?
SOC?232 Death and Dying: Culture and Issues ?
SOC?234 Death: Crosscultural Perspectives