Stormwater Management

PCC strives to protect the health and safety of the environment around and affected by campus activities. To ensure we are being the best stewards to our environment as possible, EH&S partners with other departments to manage and maintain our stormwater management systems and various spill prevention and response activities. For more information on various environmental programs and safety procedures, review the following Health & Safety Manual Chapters:

  • Chapter 7: Hazardous Material Emergency Response
  • Chapter 18: Contractor Hazard Notification
  • Chapter 21: Regulated Waste
  • Chapter 22: Environmental Protection & Stewardship.

The following plans or permits are available from EH&S by email request to

  • Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plans –?Cascade,?Rock Creek, Southeast,?Sylvania
  • Stormwater Injection Plans – Cascade, Portland Metropolitan Workforce Training Center, Southeast

Environmental Maps