Drinking Water Testing

PCC is focused on providing safe and healthful drinking water to all in the academic community. In recent years Portland Community College Environmental Health & Safety department has been conducting District-wide collection and analysis of drinking water samples for the presence of lead. These efforts are done in accordance with two EPA guidance documents; Lead in Drinking Water in Schools and Non-Residential Buildings?and?3Ts for Reducing Lead in Drinking Water in Schools.

The EH&S team samples drinking water sources such as fountains, sinks, and water bottle fill stations.?Sample locations are selected based on recent construction or renovation work, impacts to water systems, or other regulatory requirements.

All testing results are posted on this site.

Drinking Water Sample Results

2024 Results

2023 Results

2022 results

2021 results

Winter Sustained Return testing
Fall Sustained Return testing
Summer Modified Return testing
Spring Limited Return testing

2020 results

Fall/Winter Remote Operations testing
Summer Limited Operations testing

2019 results

2018 results

2017 results

2016 results


If you have a concern regarding smell, taste, color, or sediment in your drinking water please email src@pcc.edu to create a work order.

Questions regarding drinking water testing should be directed to the EH&S staff at?ehs@pcc.edu.