Minor Improvement Projects

Minor Improvement Projects primary focus is on system replacements and upgrades to assets and components that support building functionality. This includes mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems. Minor Improvement Projects also supports approved departmentally-funded project requests for the purpose of operating their program. Office moves, remodels, and the introduction of new or replacement of existing equipment must be submitted as a request through the ReADY system.

Both FMS and Planning & Capital Construction (P&CC) evaluate project requests on a regular basis for code compliance, infrastructure capacity, and operational availability. If a request is approved as a project, FMS and P&CC leadership will assign a project manager from either FMS or P&CC based on the scope, complexity, budget, and schedule.

The submission of a project request does not indicate approval of a potential project.

Minor Improvement Projects project managers provide the following services:

  • 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网 project scope
  • Identify project needs and goals
  • Determine project budget, initial schedule, and project strategy
  • Ensure quality and functionality of project results
  • Confirm project work follows safety procedures
  • Coordinate work, monitor costs, and review construction work performed both in-house and by contractors
  • Keep stakeholders informed of project progress
  • Ensure that project work adheres to both code compliance and PCC design and construction standards
  • Assist in the assessment and prioritization of facilities needs

Make a request

Rachael Davies

Rachael DaviesProject Manager
Contact Rachael Davies