2020-21 Amo DeBernardis Legacy Society

Amo DeBernardis Legacy Society sealDr. Amo DeBernardis, or “Dr. De” as he was known at the college, served as PCC’s founding president from 1961 until 1979, when he retired. His vision of access to higher education for all still guides our work today and many of his founding concepts remain integral to our mission.

Donors who include the PCC Foundation through a bequest, life income plan, or other types of planned gift, whether intended or received, become members of the Amo DeBernardis Legacy Society.

Learn more! If you’ve named PCC in your estate plans or as a beneficiary of any assets, please let us know. To learn more about these opportunities, please contact our office at 971-722-4382.

We make every effort to maintain an accurate list. If you find an error, please let us know by calling 971-722-4382 or emailing?pccfoundation@pcc.edu.

* denotes deceased

  • Anonymous (11)
  • James and Janet Aalberg
  • Russel L. Abraham*
  • JoAnn Albrecht
  • Florence Anderson*
  • Archie* and Muriel* Averill
  • David and Jean Avison
  • Susan K. Bach and Douglas Egan
  • Dr. Patricia J. Baker
  • Elizabeth Barnes*
  • Peter and Dana Bauer
  • Nancy G. Bennani
  • Mollie Bihn* Trust
  • Cami Bishop and Bill Edwards
  • Mabel Bliss*
  • Robert Bloodworth*
  • Belford F. Buck*
  • Cheryl A. Burgermeister ’73
  • Leonard D. Cain
  • Robert C. Candello
  • Ugo and Sonia Carpentieri
  • Dr. Howard Cherry*
  • Jan D. Coulton
  • John M. Daggett
  • Mary K. Dalla
  • Anita H. Dawson*
  • Dr. Amo DeBernardis*
  • Fred DeWitt*
  • Betty J. Domas*
  • Jerry Donnelly
  • P. Michael Drake
  • Gary R. Eaton ’91 and Joy Eaton
  • Joan Edwards
  • Janet A. Ellington*
  • Deborah A. Erickson*
  • Virginia* and Lee* Finders
  • Thelma E. Fisher*
  • Dorothy Fisher-Jones*
  • Bob* and Betty* Fisk
  • Denise and Robert Frisbee
  • Gordon Galbraith*
  • Michael J. Gentry
  • Carl and Sue* George
  • Linda A. Gerber
  • Ric and Shigemi Getter
  • Susan D. Gillette
  • David M. Goldberg and Deborah Spanton
  • Daniel and Loretta Goldy
  • Mary Goss*
  • Michael* and Mayola* Green
  • Helen T. Grim*
  • Martin D. Haney*
  • Diane S. Hardiman Smith, RDH, M.Ed.
  • Jim D. Harper
  • Kathleen Harriman
  • Anna V. Hay
  • Jim Hendershot
  • Gaye Hilderbrand
  • Cheryl A. Hinerman
  • Mary D. and Robert A. Holmstro?m
  • Kenneth L. Holzworth
  • Alice L. Hulse*
  • Ervin Hummel*
  • Patricia Hunter
  • Marjorie L. Hutchinson*
  • Jeffrey E. Jacobs
  • Albert E. Jones*
  • Jill F. Kantor
  • Florence Kavanagh*
  • Sylvia J. Kelley
  • Betty and Dr. John* Kendall
  • Stephanie S. Keyes*
  • Ema Kiger*
  • Miryang Kim
  • David Kish and Carol Stone
  • Annette Kraft*
  • Richard J. Kroll
  • Dana Kuiper
  • Peter Lorain and Janet Burgess
  • Nancy Madsen ’96 and James Madsen
  • Ami Stamm Margolin
  • Marcia L. Marvin
  • Lynn Mayer
  • Marshall and Betty* McCollum
  • Peggy J. McVitty and Frank* McVitty Jr.
  • Rebecca A. Meier
  • Dan and Karen Moriarty
  • Michael Morrow and Ruth Peterson-Morrow
  • John L. Muller*
  • Diane and Scott Mulligan
  • Eugene P. Nelson ’82
  • Barbara Raz Neu
  • Dr. Scholastica I. Njoku*
  • Polina and Andy Olsen
  • Terry and Mary Owen
  • David Pelinka ’86 and Fran* Pelinka
  • Debra S. Peterson
  • Erich Porshman*
  • Marjorie* and J. Richard* Powell
  • Dr. Preston Pulliams and Joan Pulliams
  • Suzette M. Pump
  • Edythe M. Pynchon*
  • Janet L. Rash
  • Dr. Linda Reisser*
  • Ruth B. Ridgway
  • Sherry A. Robinson
  • Vic Rosenfield*
  • Ruthanne Rusnak
  • Annette C. Saarinen
  • Stanley E. Schmidt
  • Laura H. Scott
  • Belva I. Seaberry
  • Judy Sears
  • Robert Shelfer
  • David Squire
  • George Staley
  • Elaine* and HM* Steele
  • Johnnie and Julius* Stokes
  • Jean Stone*
  • Ronald* and Margie* Sumner
  • Michael Trigoboff and Patricia Leonard
  • Lynda D. Trost ’81
  • William* and Lila Ulrich
  • Mary* and Frank* Wales
  • Gordon D. Walker*
  • Ron and Karen Wilkinson
  • Millicent M. Williamson*
  • Robert O. Wimmer and Howard A. Butzer
  • Walton and Marilyn Wittke
  • Richard and Glenda Worthington
  • Roger E. Wulf*