Ami Margolin

Ami Margolin

My family has passionately supported PCC for many years. My mother served on the founding board of the PCC Foundation and helped to write the original bylaws. She also served on PCC’s elected Board of Directors. When she passed away in 2007, our family created the Doreen Margolin Memorial Endowed Scholarship, which supports single parents who are enrolled at PCC. In 2015, when I was asked to join the PCC Foundation board, I was honored to carry on my mother’s legacy.?

My career in education policy has enlightened me to the fact that students who are supported with wraparound services and support throughout their education are more likely to succeed. For example, the data shows that outcomes are better when students have access to clothes, food pantries and transportation support.?

So, when I heard President Mitsui talk about how the cost of a flat tire can be the deciding factor for a student staying in school or leaving, I knew I wanted to get involved. It’s pretty incredible that receiving a bit of help with something like a flat tire can make a difference. It helps PCC students have an opportunity to finish their education, find a good job and lead successful lives. There is a lot of power in that simple gesture, and that is why I became a Champion for Opportunity.