Ann & Troy Prater

Ann Prater

My grandmother brought my mother and her three young siblings to the United States from Mexico, with determination that each child would receive a quality education. Her husband, a silver miner, was left behind. Thanks to the hard work and grit of my grandmother, each of those children received a college education, as did each of their children, including me.

Likewise, Troy’s parents escaped the Oklahoma Dust Bowl before graduating middle school, then made it their mission to make sure their two sons graduated from college.

That is the generational power of education. It is this path to opportunity that has given my husband and I, along with our three children, the privilege of living a good life. Because of our education, I have the opportunity to work at the PCC Foundation and raise support so our students can go out into the world and do the same. It is truly our honor to be part of this crucial effort.?