Jennifer Piper & Cyndi Farrell

Jen Piper and Cyndi

Cyndi and I have been active participants in giving money to the PCC Foundation on behalf of student scholarships for 11 years and counting. As an administrator at PCC, I watch daily the impact PCC makes on our community. I also see the hardships our students are facing and how a scholarship makes a significant difference.?

Cyndi was a first-generation college student and a community college graduate. She earned her Associate’s Degree in Nursing as a single mother and that career changed her life by providing her an opportunity to dramatically improve her economic mobility.?

I had the opportunity to attend school on a scholarship which gave me an opportunity to get a degree I wouldn’t have otherwise been able to afford. It also kept me from incurring a lot of financial debt. It was a life-changing win/win scenario for me.?

We know the needs that students are facing and becoming a Champion for Opportunity allows us to truly invest in the students of our future, and in PCC. It’s a giving legacy that we want to be a part of.?