Jennifer & Aaron Monnig

Jennifer & Aaron Monnig

My husband and I decided to become Champions for Opportunity because of how inspired we have consistently been by the students at PCC, and by what Portland Community College offers. PCC is a true community. It has a place for everyone. We are always amazed by what students are undertaking, what many have overcome to get to PCC, and by the incredible contributions they are poised to make in moving forward. These are so often students who want to serve – as counselors, teachers, by working in non-profit or government. They are truly the people who are going to change the world for the better.

We are excited that the Student Success Endowment Fund will provide support that goes above and beyond tuition and books for students in perpetuity. It will allow the Foundation to continue providing those vital wraparound services that help PCC students stay in school and pursue their dreams.

Joining in as Champions for Opportunity was an easy decision for us, because we want to be a part of doing exactly that – championing opportunity.? We’ve seen what PCC can do, and what the students who attend PCC go on to do. Who wouldn’t want to support that?