Peter & Dana Bauer

Peter Bauer

Almost twenty years ago, Dana and I attended our first PCC Foundation event. The group barely filled the first two rows of the auditorium. As I listened that evening to stories shared of obstacles overcome and goals achieved, I vowed to work hard as a board member to do right by those students and help grow the PCC Foundation.?

Today we are selling out events and raising millions of dollars to support students working to better their lives. The board has grown to include some of the most passionate volunteers we’ve ever worked with, who bring commitment and excellence with them to each meeting and every event.?

Dana and I have been thrilled to see the Foundation become what it is today, and we’re proud to be part of the team, which is why we became Champions for Opportunity. As retirees on a relatively fixed income, we love that we can split up our financial commitment and contribute monthly towards the Champions for Opportunity gift, which will go a long way to provide resources for students facing considerable life challenges now and in perpetuity.?

We hope you will join us!