Susanne & David Christopher

Suzanne and David Christopher

I deeply believe in the mission of Portland Community College to provide opportunities for people to make professional, educational and personal improvements in their lives.

I joined PCC as a full-time Health Studies faculty member in 1976. From the beginning, I was in awe of my students’ dedication, work ethic and belief in the value of education. My students have taught me much and are an integral part of my own personal and professional development.

Throughout my time at PCC, I was involved with several college initiatives. My teaching, leadership and initiatives experiences provided the chance to witness PCC’s remarkable work and support for students in several different arenas.?

The Champions for Opportunity Endowed Fund is remarkable. Champions for Opportunity provide a much-needed funding source to connect and continue supporting students with their most urgent resource needs.? If we can offer our support to help the college meet students’ needs, we are honored to do so.