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Future Connect changes lives

Future Connect for students

Are you a student interested in applying for the Future Connect program? Visit the student Future Connect page.

Future Connect launched in Fall 2011 with a group of 150 Multnomah County students. Since then, the program has enrolled over 600 students. In Fall 2013, the program expanded to include recent high school graduates from Beaverton and Hillsboro. Students enroll as a cohort each fall and stay with the program from two to four years, depending on their goals and needs.

Future Connect students are making significant progress toward their educational and career goals. They have interned with the legislature, local government and business; studied abroad; become student government leaders; and earned scholarships to universities. Future Connect graduates are continuing their studies at Portland State, Pacific University, Lewis and Clark College, Oregon State University and Brigham Young University, among others. They are on track for careers in psychology, education, medicine, business, engineering, computer science and more!

For the first time, Oregon's younger generation is less educated than its older one. PCC's Future Connect program is changing that by giving young people the opportunity to succeed in college and career.Marius' Story: Marius Ibuye is a refugee of war-torn Congo who left Africa and emigrated to the U.S. to pursue a better life for himself and his family. He believes the Future Connect program guided him to where he is today: an Oregon State University student. With assistance from dedicated success coaches who mapped out a plan and stood by ready to help, Marius is reaching his educational goals. 'I really enjoyed all of my classes at PCC, and the instructors were inspiring, encouraging and supportive. It wasn’t only about getting good grades but also finding new ways to learn the class material,' said Marius, who hopes to study in the College of Pharmacy at OHSU once he earns a bachelor’s degree. Once he completes his academic work, Marius hopes to become a pharmacist in Portland near his family. 'Now Future Connect coaches are also part of my family,' he said. 'Not having the support of Future Connect at PCC and going straight to a four-year university would have been crazy. I feel I’m well prepared and now I can fly at OSU.'Daisy's Story: Daisy Toledo considered a full-time job in food service as her best opportunity for life after high school graduation. Then she heard about Future Connect and saw another path open before her. 'I never expected to have enough money to go to college,' said Daisy. She also worried about juggling school, studying and a job, but Future Connect coaches helped her create a time management plan. With a 4.0 GPA during her first term in college, she’s already researching four-year universities and careers in the medical field. Now Daisy is sharing her talents with others. As a member of the Oregon 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网 Institute at PCC’s Rock Creek Campus, she’s working with students on volunteerism and fundraising. She sees it as a good opportunity to network and learn new skills such as public speaking. 'I talk to my friends about Future Connect. I tell them that they can reach their goals because there is a lot of support,' said Daisy. 'The classes have been challenging but I’m persistent and my success coach motivates me every day. I believe I have what it takes to be successful in college and to be successful in life.''Future Connect helped me in many ways. I had an amazing coach who inspired me, motivated me, helped me push myself past my limits, get through one of my toughest times and have a better understanding of where and who I want to be.' Raquel Barajas, Future Connect alumna. 'Since my freshman year in high school, I have wanted to study computer science. Before, I could never picture myself in that type of career... With the help of the Future Connect team I now see a clear road to the career I dreamed of [in] high school.' Alejandro Serna, Future Connect Student. 'When I was in high school, I did not really have anyone who believed in me. Everyone in my family told me I could not make it, I would not graduate but I did. Because of Future Connect, I am able to pursue my dream.' Meyyien Saepharn, Future Connect Student.90% of Future Connect students are low- income, and 56% have a household income less than $20K. 70% are students of color. 83% will be the first in their families to complete college. 70% of Future Connect students continue on to their second year of college. Students who continue have an average GPA of 2.8. Future Connect produces results that are more than 3 times the 20% success rate of college students from similar backgrounds who don't receive these services

Give now

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  1. Give online
  2. Call the PCC Foundation at 971-722-4382
  3. Mail a check, payable to the “PCC Foundation”:
    PCC Foundation
    Future Connect
    P.O. Box 19000
    Portland, OR 97280

When you make a gift to the PCC Foundation for Future Connect students, the Cities of Beaverton, Hillsboro and Portland will double your gift as part of a generous matching challenge, up to $580,000 each year.

Your contribution is essential to helping the next generation of students achieve success. For an investment of just $2,000, you get a student through a year of college in this innovative, results-oriented program. For $4,000 you play an integral part in their achieving an associate’s degree. That’s real ROI.

We have a problem

Only one-third of Multnomah County high school students will go on to college. Only half of them will finish.

Icon graphic of people becoming graduates

Only half of Washington County high school students will go to college.

Apple graphic with 40% filled in with a solid color

Only 40% of Washington County high school graduates with low incomes will.

At the same time, Georgetown University’s Center on Education and the Workforce predicts that by 2020, 70% of jobs in Oregon will require postsecondary education.

Icon graphic of people, 70% are graduated

According to Cities, if the Portland-metro area could increase its college degree attainment rate just one percent, the region would produce an additional $1.6 billion in per capita income.

PCC has a solution that works

Future Connect targets low-income, first-generation college students who aspire to attend college but face barriers to success.

By providing them with a scholarship based on financial need, Future Connect allows these students to have a shot at college.

Scholarships plus student support equals success

Future Connect also provides students with a guided path through college, whether that’s completion of a certificate or degree at PCC or transfer to a four-year college.

College success coaches help students overcome obstacles and stay in school, mentoring students throughout their college careers with personal, in-depth advising.

It’s the one-on-one support students receive at PCC that makes this program stand out.

Future Connect helps students go to college and complete college.

From some of our funders

“Meyer Memorial Trust is a significant funder of PCC’s Future Connect program because it helps youth from diverse racial, cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds succeed in higher education, making our community better for all, a high priority for our foundation.”Meyer Memorial Trust, Doug Stamm

“We are steadfast supporters of the college and have seen firsthand the power and impact of Future Connect to change students’ lives. There is no greater calling, or reward, than to see these young people flourish.”Max & Carol Lyons, Hillsboro Aviation

“PGE Foundation’s commitment to Future Connect comes from our desire to give first-generation, low-income college students the support and skills they need to succeed at family-wage skilled trades jobs available at companies like Portland General Electric.”Carole Morse, PGE Foundation

City of Portland, Oregon

Hillsboro, Oregon

Beaverton, Oregon

Download a PDF of the Future Connect brochure.

Are you a student interested in applying for the Future Connect program? Visit the student Future Connect page.