Establish a Program for Excellence Fund
Program Funds for Excellence help PCC departments and programs raise donations for targeted needs such as equipment, materials, and professional development.
How to set up a Program Fund
- A PCC Foundation Program Fund is established with a minimum $2,500 financial commitment by the donors and with the intention to give or secure on-going charitable contributions. ?These gifts are restricted and thus charged a minimal gift fee when made.
- The Foundation and the donors create an agreement describing the fund’s purpose, how donations can be used, and who will be authorized to request expenditures from the fund.
- The agreement is signed by the donor/creator of the fund, the relevant PCC Dean, Vice President or Campus President, and the Foundation Managing Director. Fund agreements can be amended by mutual consent of all parties.
PCC Foundation funds are administered by the Foundation in the manner that best serves the intent of the agreement. The Foundation has the power to modify restrictions or conditions on the distribution of funds if they become unnecessary or inconsistent with the educational needs of the college. Gifts to the Foundation are tax deductible to the amount allowed by law.
Internal documents for PCC departments
If you’re a PCC department who has a program fund, please find the following documents to help with your fundraising needs.