Belle Cantor

Belle eating a piece of colorful cake
Made with love

Belle’s recipe for a good partnership

Sugar container illustrated iconIngredients
  • Communication
  • Shared mission or purpose
  • Accountability
  • Small wins along the way
  • Celebration
  • Fun! If folks don’t enjoy working together, they won’t show up and engage authentically.

Combine all ingredients and mix well. The result? Magic.

“To the students at OMIC, my daughter and I love to bake together. After I taught her how to make a cake base, she now feels confident to adjust the flavors and decorate as she pleases, bringing her creativity to the process. Learning is big in my house and at my work at the Oregon Community Foundation – we believe education is a game-changer. So when you walk through the doors at PCC’s training center, know that we’ve tried our best to make sure you have all the right ingredients to begin your manufacturing career journey. Keep an open mind. Take advantage of all the different opportunities, and decide for yourself what you want to do. Make the cake your own. You, and Oregon, will be better because of it.”

— Belle

About Belle

Belle Cantor is a Senior Program Officer in Education for the Oregon Community Foundation (OCF). This past year, OCF awarded the PCC Foundation a $100,000 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网 Grant to help launch PCC’s Oregon Manufacturing Innovation Center (OMIC) Training Center that opened this fall in Columbia County. The center is designed to train an advanced manufacturing workforce to meet Oregon employers’ current and future needs.