Francis Kohler

Francis eating curry with his kids
Made with love

Japanese chicken curry recipe

Recipe book illustrated iconIngredients
  • 1 ? pounds boneless, skinless chicken thighs
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 onions
  • 1–2 russet potatoes
  • ? teaspoon grated ginger
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 ? tablespoon neutral-flavored oil
  • 4 cups chicken stock
  • 1 apple
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • ? teaspoon kosher or sea salt
  • 1 package Japanese curry powder
  • 1 ? tablespoons soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon ketchup

View the full recipe at ?

“To my beautiful sons, at one time, I was convinced that the world was not ready for another mouth to feed. But then I met an old Mexican fisherman in Vera Cruz who told me, ‘Se?or, you need to have kids because you’re the kind of man that will bring mouths that feed into the world.’ And he was right. I’m so very proud of you three and how you’re using your creativity to make this life a little bit better for us all. You inspired me to return to PCC and to use the voice I found in those classrooms to become a writer. It was amazingly cool that we were on campus at the same time! Real hope depends on the power of the imagination. And that, I think, is the best thing anyone can ever give to a child. I love you all for who you are.”

— Pops

About Francis

Francis Kohler (pictured second from the right above) was a restaurateur, music club owner, and home builder before earning his first-ever degree at PCC at age 67. A single dad and cancer survivor, he is the recipient of a general PCC scholarship. It includes support from donors such as John Muller, who was a part-time IT employee at PCC and bequeathed the college its second-largest estate gift. Francis is currently working on a screenplay and studying creative writing at Pacific University.