This content was published: November 19, 2008. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Julie Perini, All Julie All the Time

Cascade Paragon Arts Gallery

Julie Perini, All Julie All the Time

  • Dates: November 19 through December 31, 2008
  • Hours: 9am-5pm, Monday – Friday
  • Site-specific banquet, Open Faces: Wednesday, November 19, 4:30pm, 5:30pm, 6:30pm Cascade Campus, TH 102 (special banquet event occurring during the opening, three times, limited seating available)
  • Artist’s event: Wednesday, December 10th, 6-8pm at Cascade Campus MAHB 223

Cascade Gallery is featuring All Julie All the Time, by Julie Perini, an artist that is socially engaged, event-based and often concentrates on developing experiential processes for projects in video, film, and photographs. Engaged in her daily life Perini records personal moments, re-enactments of little known historical events, play with people and ordinary materials, with easy-to-use consumer cameras, machines that keep her company and extend the reach of her senses.?Perini explores the everyday in search of moments of pleasure, wonder, discovery and delight. Perini investigates with technology and devices in the service of not only herself but for who she’s making a video or performance with and who it is made for. These are all important issues as is the lighting, color, and camera angle. Much of the artwork involves other people, as subjects, participants, co-conspirators, actors, and players and often the audience, the connection of people to one another and to Perini; the process of making the artwork and the artwork itself are equally important to connecting to each other.

Images from the exhibition

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