This content was published: March 21, 2019. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Sang-ah Choi

Sylvania North View Gallery

Landscape: about space and time

Abstract painting with ovoid shapes in light blue, white, green and yellow, with red, black and yeloow squiggly forms in between.

Landscape:? Opium Poppy#1, 2018, acrylic, felt, pen, graphite on paper, 30″ x 50″

  • April 10 to May 11, 2019
  • Opening reception and gallery talk: Wednesday, April 10, 2-4pm
  • Weekend reception: Saturday, April 13, 2-5pm

Korean born artist, Sang-ah Choi, will present her paintings in Sylvania’s North View Gallery this spring.?She states:

Containing a possibility of visual movement, my paintings construct a complex pictorial space with diffused viewpoints and shifted perspectives.? Under the mixed perspective orders, the pictorial space is built on the conversations between controlled and accidental mark-makings in the painting process.? The pictorial space, which I call?landscape, is not an illusionistic space, rather a reconstructed one for exploring the nuances of visual perception.? Engaged with nonlinear arrangement of the space and time, I play on repetition, layers and perspectives through which the relationship among images shimmers their visual abstraction.? In this abstraction, I explore how the visual cognitive experience can enhance the capacity of our perception on something we don’t understand.

Sang-ah Choi lives and works in Mountain View, California. She is originally from Seoul, Korea, and earned a B.F.A. and M.F.A. from Ewha Womans University (Seoul); and received an M.F.A. from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.? Her works have been featured in solo and group shows nationally and internationally, such as Doosan Gallery (NY), Sarubia Dabang (Seoul), Arario Gallery (NY), Sandra Gering Gallery (NY), Portland Art Museum (Portland, OR), Today Art Museum (Beijing), White Box (Portland, OR), Art Gym (Marylhurst, OR), and the Schneider Museum of Art (Ashland, OR).? She received a Hallie Ford Fellowship in 2011.? Her works are included in a number of public collections including The Museum of Modern Art (NY), Whitney Museum of American Art (NY), New York Public Library, Maier Museum of Art (Lynchburg, VA) and Portland Art Museum (Portland, OR).

  • View of gallery with 2 long, horizontal, abstract paintings on wall in the background and 4 plexiglass pedestals with folded paper artworks in the foreground. Both paintings have an overall complex patterning; the one on the right is mostly black, red, and white; the one on the left is mostly white and grey.
  • View of gallery with 2 long, horizontal, abstract paintings on a wall in the background and 4 plexiglass pedestals with folded paper artworks in the foreground. The painting on the left has several cut out circles and a larger cut out form; the one on the right has an overall complex patterning and is mostly red, black and white.
  • Long, horizontal painting on paper with rectangular, black shape on the left that has a large multi-lobed form cut out of the paper. The rest of the painting is patterned with pink and white stripes and blue and green curved forms, and has several circles cut out of the paper.
  • Side view of long, horizontal painting, with the closest part of the painting on the right side and the rest tapering off to the left. The images are abstract with an overall patterning of curved shapes in black, white, green, and blue and other colors.
  • Detail view of abstract painting showing an overall pattern of black, curved shapes layered on pastel blue, green and pink shapes. There are red and yellow poppy flower forms and black and white eye shapes throughout.
  • Abstract painting with an overall pattern of pastel blue and green shapes intersecting with white and grey forms. A line of yellow discs moves across the painting from the upper left to the lower right corner, and ther are black and white eye shapes throughout.
  • Paper pop-up book, folded open and seated on a plexiglass pedestal. The image in the book is an abstract painting with pale pink-orange arm and hand forms, and black and grey ink lines, circles and dots, all on a white background.
  • Detail view of folded paper drawing, showing a black circle at the center and lines of black circles with small white circles inside them radiate outward from the center.

Gallery hours: Monday – Friday 8am-4pm, Saturday 11am-4pm

Directions: Follow signs to the bookstore and visitor parking. The gallery is located in the Communications and Technology (CT) building, adjacent to the bookstore on the NE corner of campus.