Health Information Management: Fieldwork

Fieldwork requirements

Directed Practice (DP) provides an opportunity for Health Information Management (HIM) students to engage in a meaningful experience while being supervised/mentored at a facility that provides health information management services. Many words can be associated with directed practice, such as Professional Practice Experience (PPE), internship, externship, practicum, clinicals, etc. Though there are various words, the intent is the same, which is to provide students with the opportunity to apply and observe HIM functions taught throughout the program. DP will be completed in the spring term of the last year in the program. Currently 40 hours are required. DP is a large portion of HIM 293 which is required for graduation.

Health profession student clinical training administrative requirements

In order for students to complete the required directed practice, PCC requires all students to meet the Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) Chapter 409 – Division 30 for students in clinical training prior to clinical placement. Students are to meet any requirements mandated by their clinical site as well. A detailed description of these requirements are listed in Requirements for Clinical & Field Education. They include:

  • Successfully pass a criminal background check
  • Successfully pass a ten-panel drug screen
  • Submit proof of current immunizations
  • Complete Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliance training modules.

During fall and winter terms of their second year, students will be provided with information to access the third-party vendor that the Health Information Management program uses to collect immunization documentation and conduct the background check and drug screen. Students are required to complete these tasks before spring term and purchase these services and the HIM program has no control over any cost adjustments.

Scheduling directed practice hours are arranged between the facility site supervisor/manager and the student once the student has completed all the required facility site requirements. The PCC directed practice coordinator will communicate to the student when they are able to communicate with the facility to arrange a schedule.

Once a student and facility have agreed to a schedule, the student needs to communicate this to the directed practice coordinator. The directed practice coordinator visits the students during directed practice in the local area. The directed practice coordinator communicates by phone and/or email with sites that are outside the local area.

Students working in healthcare may have the option to complete the DP with their employer. This has many benefits. If you work in health information management, the DP hours must be completed in an area of health information management that you currently perform as part of your current job function. Special approvals from the employer and arrangements made with the HIM program director must be done in fall term of the students’ second year.

In addition to completing the actual directed practice experience, students must complete to many requirements listed in the course syllabus such as discussion post participation, behavior and HIPAA quizzes, and signing a confidentiality agreement.

Professional conduct

Students must always conduct themselves with professionalism during their directed practice. This includes email exchanges and phone conversations with your site supervisor/mentor. Examples of professional conduct include, but not limited to:

  • Wearing professional clothing during directed practice. You will find examples within the course.
  • Being reliable by completing tasks assigned and staying for the full duration of the agreeable schedule.
  • Being punctual by being on time for your scheduled directed practice.
  • Adhering to the AHIMA Code of Ethics, following all HIPAA privacy and security rules, and adhering to all site requirements and expectations.
  • Treating site staff and the directed practice coordinator with respect.
  • Communicating professionally to site staff and the directed practice coordinator.
  • Being engaged and interested in the tasks offered at the site.
  • Asking for clarification if unsure about a task or requirement.
  • Only using your cell phone during breaks.

Students will be provided additional examples of conduct within the course.

Fieldwork attendance

If a student is late or misses an assigned directed practice day, they are to immediately contact the site mentor first and then the directed practice coordinator. Students will need to make up any lost time to ensure they meet the 40-hour requirement. Students who do not complete 40 hours of directed practice will not pass HIM 293 and thus, not graduate from the HIM program.

Fieldwork sites

Students are responsible for their own transportation to and from the directed practice site.

In 2024, PCC’S HIM program directed practice sites are as follows:

  • Kaiser Northwest
  • Legacy Health System
  • Portland Adventist Medical Center
  • OHSU
  • Salem Hospital
  • Santiam Hospital
  • The Portland Clinic
  • Sunset Pediatrics
  • Samaritan Health

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