Integrated Community Dental Assisting: Career information

Career overview

See “The Job” section on the program website.

Scope of practice

Students are trained to practice at the highest level within the scope of practice for dental assistants in Oregon. For detailed information on the scope of practice in Oregon, please visit Oregon Board of Dentistry – Dental Assistants.

Certification and licensure

Integrated Community Dental Assisting program students take three exams in order to receive the Expanded Function Dental Assisting Certificate in Oregon. The Dental Assisting National Board (DANB) is a national testing agency that confers certification to individuals who successfully complete its exams. The examinations are:

Professional associations

Professional association for students
American Dental Assistants Association

All students will be required to purchase a student membership in the American Dental Assistants Association as part of the professional training. Some of the benefits of the membership include:

  • Official journals
  • Involvement in state and local associations
  • Connections with the national association
  • Connections with the American Dental Association
  • Insurance
  • Scholarships

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