This content was published: September 17, 2017. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Study a new language this fall

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What language is second in demand by Oregon employers? Russian!

  • Russian language skills are in high demand for careers in business, real estate, high-tech, medicine, nursing, dentistry, teaching, social work, law enforcement and government.
  • Russian is designated a “critical need” language by the?US government, because so few Americans speak it.
  • More than 145,000 Russian speakers live in the Portland/Vancouver area, making Russian the second most spoken?language in the state of Oregon after Spanish.
  • Knowing Russian can give you an edge when applying for jobs.

Study Russian fall 2017 at PCC!

First year Russian RUS 101 (4 credits)
  • M/W 1-2:50pm
  • T/TH 11am-12:50pm
  • T/TH 1-2:50pm
  • T/TH 6:30-8:20pm
Second year Russian RUS 201 (5 credits)
  • M/W 10am-12:20pm

Russian classes at PCC Sylvania feature:

  • Language immersion with emphasis on speaking skills.
  • Relaxed, fun classroom environment.
  • Full integration of speaking, grammar, writing, listening and?culture.
  • Instructors with Masters degrees in Russian and native/near-native fluency.
  • Affordable tuition-$104 per credit or $416 for a 4-credit class and?100% tuition waiver for students over 62 years of age!
  • Inexpensive course materials-just $65 for the full year.
  • Free Russian tutors to help you learn and practice.
  • Additional elective course on Russian culture during spring?quarters (conducted in English).
  • 12 PCC Russian language students have won the prestigious?CLS scholarship for free study abroad in Russia the last 7 years.

Other language classes at PCC

Did you know that, along with Russian, PCC offers a variety of world language classes that are an important part of a well-rounded liberal arts program of study?

PCC students can take Spanish, Japanese, Sign Language Studies, German, French, and Chinese. Click on the language you are interested in to see which courses are offered at PCC this fall.

German is easier to learn than you might think and is the second most commonly used scientific language. Germany is also a great place to study and work. Germany awards a great number of scholarships and working visas for students and professionals.

First-year courses: (German 101, 102, 103) (4 credits each)

You can take First year German over the entire course of the year with 101, 102, 103. We meet two days a week, two hours a day, in the same time slot all year. German 101 is typically offered every term and is the beginning level course in the sequence.

  • M/W 11-12:50pm
  • T/TH 9am-10:50am
  • M/W 6:30-8:20pm
Second-year courses: (German 201, 202, 203) (4 credits each)
  • T/TH 11-12:50pm

You can take Second year German over the entire course of the year with 201, 202, 203. We meet two days a week, two hours a day, in the same time slot all year. German 201 is only offered fall quarter.

For more information, contact Kristine Shmakov at 971-722-4841 or It’s easy to register, just go to Class offerings subject to enrollment.

Photograph of buildings, a bridge, St. Basil's cathedral in St. Petersburg, Russia

St. Petersburg, Russia (public domain image)