This content was published: April 28, 2021. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Two Deep Breaths: Letter & Line

Posted by Justin Rigamonti

Continuing our series of poems selected by student editors of PCC’s literary magazines, here’s a post from the 2021 editorial crew of Sylvania Campus’ magazine, Letter & Line:

Cover of Letter & Line 2021 IssueWe are grateful to have virtually come together to sort, edit, design and publish the 10th issue of Letter & Line magazine at the end of Winter term. This issue organically became about the connections we find throughout our lives, and how they stay with us no matter where we are, or where we go. We hope you will check out the rest of the phenomenal pieces written by PCC students, here: Letter & Line, Winter 2021. If you would like a free PDF copy of the magazine, please email us at our sister publication:

The poem below was written by D. Araguaney Rodríguez Da Silva, a current editor of Alchemy, PCC student and former Queer Resource Center Coordinator at Cascade campus. We’ve selected it to highlight the far and wide love, relationships and connections PCC students carry within themselves everyday. The feeling of distance from familiar places and our loved ones is a relatable one even for those of us who grew up locally, as we move through this pandemic away from our regular routines, and practicing social distance as an act of love, to make sure we keep each other safe. Whether we can touch or only wave through a screen, the longing and love we carry for each other touches every part of our day.

To hear this poem read by Araguaney themself, view the video on Alchemy’s Youtube account?or go to our Instagram account

Letter & Line 2021 Editorial Team

Del Monte

– In the style of George Ella Lyon

I am from corn flour
and golfeados con queso’e mano
From “no hay de qué, mi amor”
and 5 lb avocados

I’m from la subida
and “la parada, por favor!”
on a rainy day
that’ll last the whole season

I’m from the flight impulse
that ran through many of us
on December 2007
The airport’s mosaic floor
now a rite of passage

I’m from the suitcase
full de recuerditos,
the WhatsApp group chat,
the cdsm no joda
and the te quiero mucho vale,
recuerda llamar a tu mamá