This content was published: October 5, 2017. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

October is National Arts and Humanities Month!

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Last October President Obama established National Arts and Humanities Month during the month of October, stating, “In seeking to break down barriers and challenge our assumptions, we must continue promoting and prioritizing the arts and humanities, especially for our young people. In many ways, the arts and humanities reflect our national soul. They are central to who we are as Americans – as dreamers and storytellers, creators and visionaries.” NEH

In honor of the month, Randy Cohen, Vice President of Research and Policy at American for the Arts put together the Top Ten Reasons to support National Arts and Humanities Month. It’s a wonderful list that offers compelling statistics about the myriad ways the arts and humanities contribute to the well-being of the nation through its ability to unify communities, support individual well-being, strengthen the economy, and spark innovation.

Read the post here:?Top Ten Reasons