Christine Weber

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Articles (26):

Pride and Prejudice Painters respond to Pride and Prejudice
Have you bought your tickets yet for PCC’s Fall 2017 production of Pride and Prejudice? The show opened last week […] Posted November 14, 2017
Students standing in front of paintings with an audience sitting on chairs in front of them. Students present at the Portland Art Museum
PCC offered Honors History of Western Art (ART204H, ART205H, ART206H) for the first time in 2011-12. That school year, a […] Posted November 13, 2017
Nucl Northwest Undergraduate Conference on Literature (Jan deadline)
The University of Portland hosts a yearly undergraduate literature conference, and the HARTS Council would like to encourage PCC students […] Posted November 5, 2017
Art Rock Schedule cover Art Rock is happening (11/7 + 11/8)
Event organizer: Petra Sairanen Graphic design: Anthony Catalan Posted November 5, 2017
Two instructors holding pieces of paper that explain the guidelines for the Center for Civic Participation discussions. “Patriotism and Protest” discussion on Nov. 3
We at the Center for Civic Participation at Portland Community College (CCP@PCC)?are continuing our series of?conversations?dedicated to current topics of […] Posted October 27, 2017
drawing of an old man leaning on a chair Drawing Invitational opens Nov. 1 and 2
PCC Art Instructor Mark Andres will curate an invitational drawing exhibition at Gallery 114 in November.? The exhibit includes a […] Posted October 27, 2017
Photo of man playing a guitar World Renowned Classical Guitarist performs at PCC this Friday
This coming?Friday, October 13,?from 12:00 – 1:00, World Renowned Classical Guitarist Scott Kritzer will be performing a free noon time […] Posted October 10, 2017
rationally speaking logo with microphone What contributes to college success?
In this classic episode of the Rationally Speaking podcast from the New York City Skeptics, Massimo Pigliucci and Julia Galef […] Posted October 7, 2017
Groundswell logotype Student Writers showcased at Groundswell
The PCC English departments hosted the first ever?Groundswell: a Conference of Student Writing at the Rock Creek campus spring term […] Posted October 6, 2017
Photograph of buildings, a bridge, St. Basil's cathedral in St. Petersburg, Russia Study a new language this fall
What language is second in demand by Oregon employers? Russian! Russian language skills are in high demand for careers in […] Posted September 17, 2017