This content was published: June 20, 2019. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

2019 Betty & Richard Duvall Scholarship Recipients

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The Betty and Richard Duvall Professional 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网ment award is dedicated to supporting full-time faculty in the pursuit of their professional goals to bring learning and innovation into the classroom.

Israel Pastrana – History

Israel PastranaIsrael is using these funds to attend the Xicanx Institute for Teaching and Organizing (XITO) in Tucson, Arizona. XITO is an intensive professional development opportunity intended to supply participants with applicable strategies and methodologies that can be shared with their own communities. The conference theme this year is Indigenous Pedagogies of Love, and will feature workshops and panel discussions on decolonizing and re-humanizing methodologies. Israel looks forward to applying what he learns in the classroom and sharing it with colleagues across the college.

Alena (Leni) Tupper – Paralegal

Leni’s professional development goals focus on increasing access to justice for marginalized people, and teaching paralegal students the practical skills they need to succeed as legal professionals. Expanding on her current work with the Paralegal Department to offer a legal clinic course, Leni will use these funds to develop a rigorous program for students to assist pro se litigants in housing or immigration court navigate the court system and their legal rights and duties. (No photo available).

April Ann Fong – Biology & Environmental SciencesApril Ann Fong

April Ann will be using the funds to participate this summer in an EarthWatch expedition to Montana. As a seasoned Biology and Environmental Sciences instructor, April regularly volunteers on local science projects to help bring science examples to life for her students. Through this intense, long-term excursion, she will be studying the effects of climate change on huckleberries and grizzly bears in Montana. She is excited about this opportunity because it allows her to bring relevancy or current science to one of the “hottest” topics she covers in her courses.

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