Group life, AD&D, travel and disability insurance

Basic term life insurance, basic accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D) insurance and long-term disability insurance are automatically provided to you at no cost (see applicable bargaining agreement or handbook). You may purchase optional additional life and AD&D insurance coverage for yourself and your dependents. If you do so when you are first eligible for benefits, there is a guaranteed issue provision. An accidental death policy that covers you while traveling on official college business is provided to you at no cost. Long-term disability coverage is also provided to you at no cost. If your claim is approved, you may be paid two-thirds of your earnings prior to the disability after a 90-day waiting period, up to a maximum of $8,000 per month.

Eligible employees

Include full-time Faculty, full-time and part-time: Classified, Managerial, Academic Professionals, Confidentials. Temporary faculty and academic professionals as well as part-time faculty members are not eligible for these benefits.

Employer-paid group insurance

As a benefits eligible employee* of Portland Community College, you are automatically provided Basic Life insurance, Basic Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) insurance, and Long Term Disability insurance, at no personal cost through The Standard Insurance Company (The Standard).

Employer paid group insurance description
Employee type Life AD & D Disability PCC Business Travel (Life)
Classified (600 hrs. minimum) $20,000 $20,000 66.66% of Gross Income $100,000
Faculty (FT 180 Day Contract) $20,000 $20,000 66.66% of Gross Income $100,000
Academic Professional (AP) (960 hrs. minimum) $20,000 $20,000 66.66% of Gross Income $100,000
Management (1040 hrs. minimum) $50,000 $50,000 66.66% of Gross Income $100,000
Confidential $50,000 $50,000 66.66% of Gross Income $100,000

*Note: This is a time-sensitive elective benefit!

Optional group insurance

Optional Group Life and/or Optional Group AD&D insurance are available for purchase through post-tax payroll deductions. Enroll and select your beneficiaries online in MyOEBB.

Optional Group Life has a guarantee issue provision (no medical underwriting) within the first 31 days of eligibility for up to:

  • $200,000 for the employee,
  • $30,000 for the spouse or domestic partner (DP), and
  • $10,000 for dependent children.

Coverage over the guarantee issue amounts requires completion of the online Medical History in MyOEBB, and is subject to underwriting by The Standard. Optional AD&D may be added as a new hire or during any Open Enrollment, without medical underwriting. You may purchase up to $500,000 ($10,000 increments) optional life and/or AD&D for yourself and your spouse/DP, and up to $10,000 ($2,000 increments) of optional life and/or AD&D for your child(ren). Spouse/DP and children enrollments may not exceed the amount of optional employee coverage. If Life coverage ends or is reduced (for reasons other than payment of an Accelerated Benefit), the amount which ended can be converted to an individual Life insurance policy.

*Casual employees, student employees, part-time faculty, temporary faculty, and temporary academic professionals are not eligible for this benefit.

Optional life and AD&D premium rates

Effective October 1, 2022

Optional employee life plans
Age as of each October 1 Rate (per $10,000 of benefit) if employee HAS NOT used tobacco in the past 12 months Rate (per $10,000 of benefit) if employee HAS used tobacco in the past 12 months
Under 25 $0.15 $0.23
25 – 29 $0.17 $0.27
30 – 34 $0.19 $0.36
35 – 39 $0.27 $0.41
40 – 44 $0.38 $0.55
45 – 49 $0.58 $0.81
50 – 54 $0.88 $1.24
55 – 59 $1.65 $2.27
60 – 64 $2.52 $3.46
65 – 69 $4.86 $6.51
70 – 74 $5.66 $9.27
75+ $7.88 $10.10
Optional spouse/DP life plans: $10,000-$500,000 maximum benefit
Age as of each October 1 Rate (per $10,000 of benefit) if spouse/DP HAS NOT used tobacco in the past 12 months Rate (per $10,000 of benefit) if spouse/DP HAS used tobacco in the past 12 months
Under 25 $0.38 $0.54
25 – 29 $0.45 $0.64
30 – 34 $0.60 $0.86
35 – 39 $0.68 $0.98
40 – 44 $0.80 $1.19
45 – 49 $1.20 $1.82
50 – 54 $1.84 $2.67
55 – 59 $3.40 $4.70
60 – 64 $5.14 $7.04
65 – 69 $9.82 $13.17
70 – 74 $11.77 $16.48
75+ $16.48 $34.83
Optional child life plan: $2,000-$10,000 maximum benefit
Rate (per $2,000 of benefit) $0.10
Optional AD&D rates
Optional employee AD&D plan: $10,000-$500,000 maximum benefit
Rate (per $10,000 of benefit) $0.15
Optional spouse/DP AD&D plan: $10,000-$500,000 maximum benefit
Rate (per $10,000 of benefit) $0.15
Optional child AD&D plan: $2,000-$10,000 maximum benefit
Rate (per $2,000 of benefit) $0.04

Basic and optional group life and AD&D insurance

Basic and Optional Group Life and AD&D Insurance descriptions
Provision Policy coverage
Annual open enrollment If employee is insured for Optional Employee Life, evidence of insurability is not required to increase coverage by up to $20,000 (not to exceed the Guarantee Issue limit) during Open Enrollment.
Repatriation benefit If an employee dies while 200+ miles away from home, an additional benefit will be paid to the person who incurs expenses to transport the body, up to lesser of $5,000 or 10% of the Life benefit amount.
Accelerated benefit Pays up to 90% of the employee’s Basic and Optional Employee Life amount if the employee becomes terminally ill with 12 or fewer months to live. (Not available to retirees.)
Portability If employment terminates, employee may port coverage amounts to another group life policy with The Standard, subject to the following minimums and maximums:

  • Employee Basic and Optional Life: $10,000 minimum; $300,000 combined maximum
  • Employee Basic and Optional AD&D: $10,000 minimum; $300,000 combined maximum
  • Spouse Life: $5,000 minimum; $100,000 maximum
  • Child Life: $1,000 minimum; $5,000 maximum
Life exclusions If death results from suicide or intentionally self-inflicted injury, the benefit amount of Optional Employee Life, Spouse Life and Child Life will be limited to the amount that has been in effect for at least two years.
AD&D exclusions
  • War
  • Suicide/self-inflicted injury
  • Committing assault or felony or active participation in a riot
  • Use of poison, chemical compound or drug (unless under direction of physician)
  • Being under the influence of liquor as defined by Oregon laws
  • Sickness or pregnancy
  • Heart attack or stroke
  • For Optional AD&D only: Boarding, leaving or being in or on any aircraft (except as a fare-paying passenger on a commercial aircraft)
  • Medical or surgical treatment for the above
AD&D table of losses Percentage of AD&D amount payable for losses:

  • Life, quadriplegia: 100%
  • Paraplegia: 75%
  • One hand or foot, sight in one eye, speech or hearing, hemiplegia: 50%
  • Thumb and index finger: 25%
  • Coma: 1% per month for up to 100 months
Optional AD&D benefits Seat Belt Benefit-Pays the lesser of $10,000 or AD&D amount if covered person dies in an accident while wearing a seat belt. Air Bag Benefit-Pays the lesser of $5,000 or AD&D amount if covered person dies in an accident while wearing a seat belt and an air bag deployed. Career Adjustment Benefit for employee-If the employee suffers a covered loss in an accident, the employee will be reimbursed for tuition expenses incurred within the following 36 months, up to $5,000 per year or a cumulative total of $10,000 or 25% of the AD&D insurance amount, whichever is less. Career Adjustment Benefit for spouse-If the employee dies in an accident, the spouse will be reimbursed for tuition expenses incurred within the following 36 months, up to $5,000 per year or a cumulative total of $10,000 or 25% of the AD&D insurance amount, whichever is less. Child Care Benefit-Reimburses spouse for child care expenses incurred within 36 months following employee’s accidental death, up to $5,000 per year or a cumulative total of $10,000 or 25% of the AD&D insurance amount, whichever is less. Higher Education Benefit-Reimburses children for tuition expenses within 48 months following employee’s accidental death, up to $5,000 per year or a cumulative total of $20,000 or 25% of the AD&D insurance amount, whichever is less. Adaptive Home and Vehicle Benefit-If an employee suffers a covered accidental loss and the home or automobile is adapted to accommodate the loss, the employee will be paid the lesser of $5,000 or 5% of the AD&D amount.
Beneficiaries If employee dies, benefits will be paid to named beneficiary(ies). If no named beneficiaries, benefits will be paid to the first surviving of the following classes: spouse; children; parents; siblings; employee’s estate. If spouse or child dies, benefits will be paid to employee. AD&D benefits for losses other than loss of life are paid to the person suffering the loss.
Age-graded rates A change in premium rate due to a change in the employee’s or spouse’s age is effective on October 1.

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