Technical Assistant – Casual Employment Compensation Schedule

Grade: “TECH”

This type of work requires specialized knowledge or skills acquired through formal academic, technical or vocational training or experience. Employees are typically involved in technical applications such as information systems, instructional support, financial support, etc.?The employee can work up to 599 hours per fiscal year.

Level I

Pay Range: $15.95 per hour

Work situations are generally standard and recurring, require attention and concentration; but limited discretion, consideration and planning is required to adequately respond and carry out work activities. Work is generally performed under direct supervision.


  • Lab Assistant I
  • Lifeguard
Level II

Pay Range: $15.95 – $19.12 per hour

Duties require independent actions, use of judgment and specific knowledge or experience in a technical specialty (generally requiring two years experience in the specialty or comparable training/education). Work is performed under general supervision.


  • Lab Assistant II
  • Computer Operator
  • Sign Language Interpreter I
  • Child 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网ment Specialist
Level III

Pay Range: $15.95 – $24.95 per hour

Duties require all of those listed in Step II with some responsibility for design and planning and/or directing the work of others performing similar tasks. Also represents the work of highly technical positions requiring more extensive technical knowledge and containing a higher level of complexity.


  • Sign Language Interpreter II
  • Graphic Designer
  • Buyer
  • Lab Assistant III, IV
  • Programmer/Analyst
  • Accountant I

For work where the rate of pay exceeds the top of the range it must have the approval of the appropriate Executive Officer. On a separate sheet from the authorization, detail the basis for determining the hourly rate of pay and include the executive officer’s approval.