Submitting Your Time Sheet for Approval
When you have finished entering your leave time and/or mileage for the pay period, click on the ?button to review the information entered for the entire pay period.? Click on the to return to the previous screen and make any necessary corrections. When your time sheet is complete and accurate for the entire pay period, click the ?button.? Once submitted, you can no longer enter time for this pay cycle, unless your manager returns the time sheet to you for correction. If you have no leave time and/or mileage to report, YOU STILL NEED TO SUBMIT YOUR TIME SHEET!!! Check the message at the top to ensure the time sheet was submitted successfully.
If you have no leave time and/or mileage to report, YOU STILL NEED TO SUBMIT YOUR TIME SHEET!!!
Your time sheet will be sent electronically to your manager for approval.? Time sheets must be submitted by the last day of the pay period.